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A few weeks later...
Hex's P.O.V 

 I through off my armor and put on a long sleeve shirt, then a sleeveless top over that, black pants and I kept my boots on. I tied my hair up in a high ponytail and sighed as I brushed a strand of hair out of my face. I then fingered my necklace, I had a crescent moon and hanging in that was a pendant with a picture of a random part of space. The pendant was pink, blue, dark pink, black, white and a few different shades of blue. My stomach rumbled and I walked to the mess. The clones who wear in there stared at me, I just ignored them and got some food and sat down. 

"This must be the first time I have seen you without your armor." Said Kix, a medic who respects me since I listen to him when he says I shouldn't do something after being injured. That's probably because I am not stupid and he knows what he is talking about. That and the fact that I almost lost a few limbs from not listening to the advice of someone in the medical field (my common sense).

"I know. Skywalker says I can't wear my armor, so I am wearing one of my normal clothes. Since I am going to Coruscant," I said as I took a drink of water. 

"That looks nice...I mean nice on you....I uh........I........ummm............" He said his face turning red, then he just got up and left quickly.  I looked down and smiled. I felt that I blushed slightly. 


"This is Senator Amidala." Said Anakin.

She extended her hand and I shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you," I said.

"I do have to say, your not what I had expected,

"I find that a good thing, it helps me bring the element of surprise," I said.

"While Master Skywalker is at the Jedi temple would you me to show you around?" She asked.

"Sure." I replied and she leads me down the hall.

"So. If you don't mind me asking how old are you?" She said after a few moments.

"I am 24," I said.

"Wow. You're young." She said.

"Yeah. I was brought into this when I was around 5." I said shuttering at the memory. 

"That is young. Who raised you?" 

"No one. I took care of myself until I was 7 which was when someone found me and took me in. That person just so happens to be the same one who trained me." I said.

"That must have been interesting. Training at such a young age." She commented.

"It was," I said. Then I laughed and shook my head.


"It's nothing just remembering something he once told me." I sighed.

"What?" She asked

"The world is endless, along with the forces and the galaxy. There is so much we can learn by just exploring or asking questions. But sometimes the best way to kind knowledge is to look into the past." I said.

"He must be very wise," She said.

"He is. But he always got upset at me for asking question after question." I said.

"That's very interesting," She said. Then we turned into a room where a bunch of Senators stood. She intruded me to a few people but thankfully she left out the part where I am a world famous Bounty Hunter. Then suddenly the doors opened and Cad Bane walked in along with other bounty hunters.

"If everyone behaves then this will go as quickly as possible," He said smoothly.  Bane, I thought to myself. Right next to me, Jango Fett and the guy he trained me he is one of the best. But I am better and lucky for me he didn't know I was here. So that was lucky. I moved over to them but I whispered to Padme "Don't worry. I can handle this."

Some time passed, we handed over our communication devices. I waited, listened, study them. I found out that they want someone freed from prison. A man by the name of Dax. An hour had passed I was done waiting. I leaned over to Padme and I whispered the word escape to her loud enough for him and his partners to hear. 

"What did you say?" The female asked. 

"What do you mean?" I replied innocently. She pointed her gun at me and said, "Tell me what you said." 

"Alright. I said 'Escape.'" I replied.

"And?" She asked her patients getting to witts end. 

"and nothing. Honestly, I just did that to get your guys attention." I said folding my arms and leaning back.

"Explain yourself." Ordered Bane.

"Sorry. I'm never been good at taking orders." I said. He pointed his gun at my head and I smirked.

"Look if you want to kill me get a ticket and wait in line. Since there is a list a mile long of people who want me dead. And if you pull that trigger, you'll have a very long line out your door of people who want to kill you since you killed me." I said. Then he looked slightly confused, I moved at him. I snapped the gun out his hand and fired at the female. I did a back flip and shot a the person behind me. Two droids aimed at me, one in front and one in back. I waited, they fired. I ducked and they destroyed each other. I stood up and pointed my gun at Bane.

"Why don't you call the chancellor and tell him there has been a slight change of plans," I said. At that moment, he pulled out another gun and shot one of the senators. I ran and blocked the shot with my arm. He looked at me surprised then you heard glass shatter, then Bane fell limp along with his other partners. All I saw was a flash of white and that was it. 

Later I found that they guy they were trying yo free was also shot, the bullet was right in his brain. Who was that?  I thought. And why did they kill them and why did this guy get killed? 

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