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Third Person Narrative

"Its much more quiet here without Hex." Said Coil to Hollow as they sat down in the barracks.

"Yeah...." Said Hollow looking at him with a strange smile.

"What?" Coil asked.

"You like her. Don't you." He said.

"What? No." Said Coil a bit too quickly.

"Then what?" Asked Hollow.

"Look. She saved my life, ok." Said Coil the memory coming back to him. Tirak didn't speak to him but in his head, he heard his voice. It was calm, dark and had a smoothness to it.

'Fear is are our greatest emotion, not the fleeting emotion of love, fear is our best motivator. Some people say to be fearless but to really live. You must embrace fear, you must let it consume you and take to the brink where it almost cripples you...' That's what he said to Coil. Coil shivered slightly at the memory.

"So how did a girl save you?" Asked Hollow.

"It's when the Republic first met Tirak, and for some reason, he chose me to be a hostage. He put me in a position where I had my own gun to my head." Coil said.

"Wow. That must have been....uh.." Hollow said trying to find the right word.

"Creepy as all Heck?" Someone suggested. They turned to where the voice came from and leaning against the wall was Triak himself. Even with the mask on you could tell he had a smile on his face. Before either of them could move their bodies froze, Tirak held out his hand and both clones couldn't move an inch.

"Listen if you two even think of trying to signal for help, I promise that I will shatter every bone in your body." He said calmly. Then with his free hand, he pulled out a small metal device and when he pressed a few buttons. Everything around them vanished, both Hollow and Coil felt dizzy and like they had a Hutt sitting on them.

"Sorry about that..." Tirak said when they reappeared in a blank gray room. "...Teleporting can be uncomfortable for first timers."

"Teleporting?" Echoed Hollow.

"Why yes. It was a gift from a friend." He replied.

"I didn't know psychopaths had friends," Hollow said with a small smirk on his face. To both of their surprise Tirak laughed. It sent chills down both clones spines and Tirak looked at Hollow. Beneath his mask, he had on an amused expression.

"Well, normally psychopath only have friends just as crazy as they are," He said still laughing a little. "And now that I think about it, she'll defiantly find you amusing."

Back on the Republic ship

"Fives. Have you seen Coil or Hollow?" Asked Kix.

"No. Why?" asked Fives.

"Since two hour ago I offered if they wanted to play cards with Jesse and I but they never showed. We ended up looking for them and we could find them anywhere. All we found was both of their helmets in the barracks." He said.

"That's strange. You said you checked everywhere?" Fives asked.


"I think we should tell the Jedi." He said and Kix nodded. They walked to where General Skywalker, Ahsoka and Captain Rex were.

"Excuse us, Sirs?" Said Fives.

"Yes. What is it Fives?" Asked General Skywalker.

"We seem to have two missing troo..." But before he could finish his sentence hologram computer (A/N: Sorry. I don't know the proper name for them so I am just using this.) came alive and there stood Tirak, with both Coil and Hollow in front of him. They both were on their knees, their hands tied behind them and gagged.

"Tirak," Said Rex with anger in his voice.

"Aww. Your still mad at me since I broke the back of one of your little soldiers. That's adorable." He said as if he was talking to a child.

"What do you want!" Demanded Anakin.

"I am so glad you asked," Tirak said. "What I want is simple. You tell Hex when she returns to come to the Ice planet of Hoth. She is allowed to bring two other clones, those two will take these to guys I have here and then leave...." He said placing his hands on each on of their shoulders. "...However if you don't listen to me and you just come....well let's just say that when you find these two their minds and will be so broken that nothing will be able to fix them."

Anakin thought for a few moments "What do you mean by don't listen to you?" He asked.

"Well if a Jedi comes with an entire crew of soldiers." He said. "And to prove that I am serious." Then Tirak's hand started to spark with red electricity he put that hand on Hollow's shoulder. Hollow let out a muffled painful scream. Then after a few moments, Tirak removed his hand Hollow fell forward. His breathing was deep, muffled and ragged, also, his body shook. Rex swore at him and his fist clenched.

"So. Now that you see I am serious I hope to see Hex soon." He said.

"Wait. Why take those troopers?" Asked Ahsoka.

"To bring Hex out and fight. You see the only people who I have it out for are Hex and you **** Jedi." He said then with that the screen went black.

Tirak sighed as he bent down pulled off Hollow's gag. Hollow let out a loud groan and shifted uncomfortably in the binds.

"Try to relax." Said Tirak as he places a hand on Hollow's forehead. The suddenly the pain Hollow felt suddenly decreased.

"There. That should help." Tirak said standing up.

"What....did you do?" Asked Hollow in-between breaths.

"It's simple. Pain is all in the mind and all I simply did was several the pain you thought you felt." Tirak said simply. He then walked over to Coil and pulled off the gag. Coil kept his eyes trained downward and tried to hid the fear that he felt.

"There is no reason to be scared little clone." Tirak said bending down and leaning next to his ear. Coil froze and shut his eyes.

Tirak laughed slightly and stood up. He walked towards the door but stopped when Hollow said "Wait! I have a few questions."

"Oh? And what will they be?" Tirak asked amused by this clone.

"Why tie us up? It's not like we are going anywhere." He said. Tirak considered this and walked over, he bent down and took off the binds for both Coil and Hollow.

"Next question?" Tirak asked.

"Why do you hate Hex and the Jedi So much?" He asked.

"Well for why I hate Hex it's a long story. But the reason I hate the Jedi is much shorter. It's because I watch Jedi Sentinels murder my family, and since two of them well....did bad things to me because of what I can do with the force. So that's why." He said.

"Ok. And why actually answer my questions?" He asked.

"Since you amuse me little clone." Then he got up and left.

"Are you ok Coil?" Hollow asked.

"I guess." Said Coil a bit shaky.

"Well I don't know this for a fact but it's going to be OK." Said Hollow smiling slightly. Coil just nodded and leaned against the wall.

Hex's P.O.V

When I walk off my ship, I was greeted by Skywalker, Ahsoka and Rex.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I saw their faces. The Skywalker began to tell me about Tirak's little message.

A/n: I just want to give a quick shot out to ChristianWriter16 who supports this book. You should go check out her stories which are awesome!

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