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Third Person Narrative

"You let them walked away!?" Asked General Grievous in a growl.

"Yes. I did because now wasn't the time." Tirak sighed as he looked at his knife with interest.

"Are you listening to me!" He growled.

"I am listening, but I don't care," Tirak replied. With that, Grievous pulled out his lightsaber but Tirak moved before Grievous could realize it. He stood behind him and placed his knife through Grievous wrist; the one that was holding the  lightsaber.

"Now. Now. I don't like you threatening me, and I want you to start giving a bit more respect." Tirak said in the way that made Grievous have an undescribed fear of him. Tirak pulled his knife out and slid it into his boot then said "Oh. And my suggestion is you really need to start taking prisoners."

Hex's P.O.V

I sighed as Anakin's padawan Ahsoka finished showing me around, and I did get a lot of surprised and weird looks. It's not every day you see a famous Bounty Hunter who is on a Republic ship. We walked back to Anakin, he said he could find a room for me and I was not to sleep in a chair in my ship which I normally do.

"Is this a good idea Sir? Letting some Bounty Hunter who would do anything for money on this ship, he could betray us at any moment." I heard that clone ask who's name was Rex.

"Three things. One I won't do anything for money, two I won't betray you unless you give me a good reason two and three I do have a code I live by so I might do things that are considered bad but I have reasons. And you still owe me a thank you, I saved you life." I said.

"So. Hex, we Ahsoka will show you the room that you have and..." Began Anakin but I cut him off by saying "I know. She'll be keeping an eye on me till you can trust me." 

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Because it's the smartest thing to do." I sighed.

That Night

I sat on my bed and took a breath. So much can happen in one day, I know that better than anyone. I slid off my helmet and placed it next to me. I ran my hand through my red hair, I was about to take off my armor and knock on the door sounded. 

"Come in." I replied the door opened and Rex came in.

"General...." He said then he stopped and stared at me. I smiled.

"What? You didn't expect for me to look like this." I said moving a strand of hair away from my face.

"I...uh....General Skywalker wants to see you." He said not meeting my eyes. I laughed and shook my head. 

"Ok. Where is he?" I asked standing up taking my helmet and putting it on.

"In the hanger," He said.

"Thanks," I said walking out of the door. He grabbed my arm and I turned.

"I'll be escorting you," He said.

"Fine but touch me again without my permission and I promise that I will shove your gun down your throat. And no, I am not kidding." I said and I turned and continued walking. He followed after me and I could tell that he was either slightly frightened or annoyed with me. Or maybe both.

"So. Skywalker what did you want to see me about?" I asked when I walked up to him.

"I was just wanted to tell that some things changed and Rex is going to be in charge of you and the republic is going be launching an attack on a base," He said.

"Ok," I said as I watched him walk away. Rex stood there and I could tell he was unhappy that he was assigned to be my babysitter.

"Hey! Skywalked!" I shouted. He stopped and turned "What?" He asked.

"Just so you can get something right when your talking about me, it's 'she' not 'he'." I said as I pulled off my helmet and my long red hair fell down. Everyone in the hanger just stared at me with looks of shock and confusion. I smiled and walked back to my room "Oh and if anyone touches my ship, they will find them there weapon shoved up their backsides." I said as I left and the clones who were even close to my ship moved away very quickly.

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