The Truth Potion

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The Weasley Twins had just put a Truth Potion in Harry's drink during dinner. He was acting silly and everyone was laughing.
"Harry would you marry Y/N in the future?" Ron asked, waiting for Harry's honest answer which had everyone at the edge of their seat.
  "Yes! I love her," Harry spoke with everyone dead silent, and turning in your direction. It was awkward because a lot of people were looking at you with wide-eyes.
"I love you too," was all you said to Harry with him smiling.

Harry thought it would be funny and snuck a Truth Potion into your drink in the Common Room.
"Y/N, what was your dream about last night?" Harry asked. Harry asked about your dreams but you usually refused to tell him.
"Alright. It was about Ron. Voldemort had tried to kill him... but I insisted that I should be killed, not him," You explained with tears forming in your eyes. All you could think about was how much you loved Ron.

You heard that Pansy had put a Truth Potion in Draco's drink during dinner so he can admit how he 'likes her more'.
  "I wanna ask him something," Blaise stated. Blaise knew what Pansy was planning, he is now then trying to show that Draco does care for you.
"Who is on your mind lately?" Blaise asked as Draco smiled in your direction.
  "Y/N!" He exclaimed, with Pansy looking mad as ever.
"What are you thinking about towards Y/N?" Blaise asked.
  "I want to have kids with her. In the future though..." Draco blushed with everyone wolf whistling.

You had put a Truth Potion in George's drink before his game of Quidditch. Fred knew what was happening so he kept begging you for him to ask George something. You kept saying 'no' until on the 5th time he asked, you said 'yes'.
"George, is Y/N your first girlfriend?" Fred asked. Fred would usually ask George who he has dated in his past life but George would never tell him.
"Yes," George stated, leaving you blushing.

Apparently Fred had put a Truth Potion in your drink after the Quidditch game.
"Fred, my drink tastes weird. What'd you do to it?" You asked curiously.
"Nothing," he quickly said with guilt all over his face. "Anyways, would you ever want to grow up together?"
  You hesitated but then said 'yes', earning a wide grin from Fred.

Seamus had given you a drink during Herbology, with some Truth Potion in it.
  "How much do you love Neville?" Seamus asked while waiting impatiently for an answer. You took a quick sip of your drink before answering because your throat was dry.
"A lot. I'm not even planning for a breakup," you stated, looking over to Neville who looks like a little eight-year-old boy on Christmas morning.

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