Chapter 3: Mathew

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I tapped my fingers together, leaning back in my chair in my office with my feet propped up on my desk.

I leaned forward and mashed a button to call my assistant.


"Yes, Mathew?" I could practically hear his smile.

"When's Zoe Stevens next expected time to be here?"

I heard him pause and the sound of rustling paper. "At 4, sir."

I glanced at my watch. 2:30.

"Andrew, also, could you call Miss. Waters and schedule a meeting for us at 4:30 or 5 at the latest. I'll be trying to get that article out of her."

"Absou-lutely, Mr. Johnson." He says.

"Thank you Andrew. That will be all."

"Sure thing, Mr. Johnson." I could imagine the frail man doing his finger twirling thing he did as a wave.

I let go of the button and leaned back.

All I could think about was how a woman, nearly a foot or more shorter than me, threw a drink in my face. A how she had fired back at me. That was a first.

I didn't like it.

Women didn't usually counter act me. And I liked it that way. That's how it was supposed to be.

I wanted her out.

I put my feet down, grabbed a sticky note, and began scribbling away.

Meet me in my office ASAP

I stood up and exited my office and walked down to her cubicle and stuck it to the screen of her computer. She wouldn't miss it if it was there.

"Good evening Mr. Johnson."

I turned around to see who greeted me and was surprised when I saw my assistant who barely made eye contact with me.

"Ah, Jennifer. Good evening. How've you been, darling?" I say.

She blushes and visibly struggles to maintain looking me in the eyes.

"May I speak with you in your office?"

The sudden straightforwardness with the woman was strange but I agreed.

"Why of course, Miss. Jennifer." I leaned forward with my arm out gesturing for her to lead.

She nods, "Thank you." And begins walking there.

As we enter my office, I close the door.

"Is there anything I could help you with?" I ask and run my hand through my hair.

Her pale cheeks tinge with pink once again as her brown eyes look to the floor. She tucks a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear.

I look her up and down.

A navy blue sweater covered up a floral button up, and a gray knee-length skirt with nude colored flats. She was no doubt pretty. And I had fooled around with plenty looking just like her, along with beautiful models as well.

She took a small step forward and placed her hand on my bicep.

I flexed involuntarily and her breathing catches.

"Mr. Johnson- Mathew... I came here to ask a favor of you." With that she stands there for a second and the leans into me and puts her mouth to mine, hungrily.

Her lips press against mine and move like liquid. I brought my hands up to her elbows.

I pull her away, and tear our mouths apart.

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