Chapter 4: Zoe

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"Claire?" I ask, question and confusion filling my tone and facial features

The older woman stands up and walks to me, her cream colored pant suit making little noise as she walked, her heels clacking.

"Oh yes, darling, it's me." She takes the box out of my arms and puts it on the floor.

Once she straightened she held out her arms. I stepped into them willingly, putting my cheek against her shoulder.

"Do you two know each other?" I heard, speaking for the first time, Mathew say.

I opened my eyes, with my cheek still pressed to the woman's shoulder, to see him with eyebrows drawn and his mouth ajar.

I pulled away from her finally and straightened my sweater. She straightened her blazer and turned to Mathew, "Yes, Mr. Johnson, this is my niece."

His already agape mouth opened more in surprise and slowly mouths no way.

Aunt Claire chuckled and looks down, noticing my box of desk items and files.

"What's going on? What's that for?" She asked pointing to it, and turning her head, looking at him.

"Oh... I just got fi-"

"Promoted." Mathew says standing up from his chair and jogs to my side.

"What?" Claire and I ask at the same time.

He bends over and picks the box up.
"She ... Just got promoted to my... secretary." He gulps and glances at me.

"What are you-"

"Don't you remember?" He interrupts again and narrowed his eyes at me, "Everybody was so impressed with your work on the Perfect Week article two weeks ago. That afternoon you got promoted to be my secretary." He turned towards her, "Have to keep the best close to you."

She smiled, "I understand."
She turned to me and gave me an excited thumbs up and cheeky grin, " Oh I'm so proud of you, Zoe. Your father would be so proud." She envelopes me into a hug.

As she's faced away from me I shoot a glare a Mathew and mouth what the hell?

He raises his hands in a calm down manner and starts to mouth something back but my aunt pulls away to look at my face and I smile and she pulls me back in and I gave the rudest look I could to him.

She finally pulls away, "Oh I'm so happy for you. Absolutely proud as can be."

I met her eyes and noticed she had tears in her eyes.

My heart broke that she was so proud of me for something that I didn't do, for something that wasn't even real.

"Well I'd better get going, dear" She glances at Mathew.

He opens the door for her, "It was a true pleasure," He takes her hand and kisses the top, "absolutely lovely to see you."

She lets him take hold of her hand and I watch him release it, never breaking her eye contact. To most women this would've probably made them swoon uncontrollably but, to my dear aunt Claire, was unimpressed.

"The pleasures mine, especially since I've gotten to see my niece." She looks back at me and smiles.

"I'll come visit soon, aunt Claire." I say.

"Oh please do. Goodbye Zoe." She fixes Mathew with a hard stare, "Mr. Johnson."

"Goodbye Mrs. Waters." He says.

She exits and he closes the door.

"What the hell are you thinking?" I spout out as soon as the door hits its frame."'Promotion'? What are you trying to do, Mr. Johnson?"

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