Chapter 18: Zoe

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"Ah, shit." I say and duck being the buggy.

"Ooh you said a bad word." Dakota cooed and bopped me on the head with a plastic tiger.

"I know." I say regretfully and snatched away the toy. "Sorry."

I peek over the metal basket and duck back down.

"Let's go to a different aisle, ok?" I ask, with pleading eyes, and place my hands on his shoulders since I'm now on his level.

"Ok." He smiled.

"Good boy. Good boy." I say, ruffling his hair and stand up slowly, glancing around me.

I don't see him...

I pushed the cart a little ways forward and see Mathew two aisles across from us, staring intently at a foam baseball set.

If I go now, he won't see me.

I hurried and ran to the walkway between aisles and went a toy section down.

Dakota laughed and chased after me, "Wait for me, Zoe!" He called.

My heart beat hard, and my feet stopped.

"No, Dakota." I hissed, my cheeks redden.

I hurried into the aisle and he giggled behind me.

"Sorry." He giggled.

I leaned on the buggy and caught my breath, resting my head on my forearm.

"Aunt Zoe, this is the girls section." Dakota said, leaning into my leg.

"I'm sorry, Kota.  Can we just stand here for a second?" I peek over at him over my arm.

He nods and steps forward to look at a tiara.

"Zoe?" A deep voice sounded.


I lifted my head with a small smile on my lips. "Hello, Mr. Johnson."

"I thought it might be you. I heard your name called and you ran past. You guys must be having fun?" He asked Dakota.

Dakota hid behind me, but nodded his head at the big man.

"Yes, we've had a blast." I said flatly. "What brings you here? You don't have any kids."

He chuckles to himself and looks down, placing a hand over the back of his neck, " Hah, no. Not for awhile, I hope." I frown. "But, I have a nephew who's having a birthday party today. Turning 6." He looked down at the electronic play thing in his hand, "Do six year-olds like these?"

"Well, Dakota's only four, but I'm sure your nephew will love it."

"He'd better. This thing is 60 dollars."

Another frown played on my lips.

"It's not the price that matters, Mr. Johnson. It's the heart that goes into it."

He met my eyes and a smirk quirked the corner of his lips, "Ah, yes. I forgot that some aren't as financially inclined as I."

This time my whole face contorted.

"Anyways," he says before I have a chance to retort. "What are you two up to?"

I look into the buggy to find a fairy princess wand to have been put in there amongst the wrestlers and actions figures.

"Just doing a little toy shopping. We have to set up this little guy a bedroom." I reach behind me and give his hair a tossle.

"Ah, how nice."

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