Chapter 7: Zoe

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I kept Mathew in the corner of my eye as I walked in to my apartment building, which was easy because he broke his vow and waited until I had gotten inside.

I let out a deep exhale that I didn't know I had been holding in.

As I went up the stairs to my apartment I ran over then nights happenings: Jeremy giving me earrings, then bailing on me, working until one with Mathew, and him taking me home.

I sighed and unlocked the door and took my shoes off.

The oven clock read 2:40 and I dragged my feet all the way to my room.

I undressed and got in to some flannel pajamas and got into my comfy bed and let the sleep envelope me.


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Ugh." I groaned and rolled over to the nightstand and scrambling to find the mobile device.

I gripped it and held it up to my ear.

It rang loudly into my ear and then I realized that I need to answer the call.

I slide the green option up.


"Hello, is this Miss Zoe Stevens?" The female voice responded.

"Yes it is."

There was a pause, "Miss Stevens, your sister, Miranda Owens... Has passed away. This morning at 4 o'clock."

My mouth fell open and my throat constricted, tears burned the backs of my eyes.

"What?" I croaked in disbelief.

"Your sister-"

"I know who my sister is. How- w-why?" I stuttered.
Everything was happening so quickly I didn't know what to do.

"She died while sleeping. The best way to go. But her heart stopped. The disease won the fight... And she fought so hard."

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Please, tell me this is a dream. P-please tell me you're kidding."

Another pitiful pause, "I wish I was."

Tears spilled over the rims of my eyelids and I bit on my bottom lip.

No... No. Not Miranda. She- we all thought she was going to make it. Or at least live a couple more years. My Miranda.

Memories of the two of us when we were younger flashed across my mind, only making my heart sadden even more and making the tears increase.

"Miss Stevens?" The voice on the line asked, seemingly wondering if I was even still on.

I cleared my throat, trying to talk through the sobs, "Yes?"

"The funeral's tomorrow at 8 AM. I'm sure everyone would appreciate it if you were there."

I wiped my eyes, bringing yesterday's makeup smeared across my palm.

"Ok. I'll come. T-thank you."

"Youre welcome." The voice said full of sorrow.

I pressed 'end call' and sunk to my knees on the floor and let the phone fall from my hand.

"Miranda..." I whispered.

I picked the phone back up and called the first number that came to my head.

It rang.

And rang.

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