Chapter 17: Zoe

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I tightened the apron around my waist as I hurried to table number four to refill a drink.

My mind had wondered all day, since I didn't have to go into the office today I decided to work at the café to earn more pocket money. I thought about Jeremy, and how he's been acting strange lately, and the whole wrong name thing. Then I thought about Dakota and how I had to start setting up the guest room into his room. And I thought about Mathew Johnson, but it was a thought that I didn't get to think about long.

"Zoe." My manager called.

I turned to the older man, and offered a polite smile, "Yes, Steven?"

He reached up to scratch his salt and pepper beard, "How've you been?" His green eyes searched around, never landing on anything, awkward and uncomfortable, and the slight perspiration on his temples told me he had been working hard.

"There have been better days." I shrugged. "But, things here lately are alright." I tucked my pencil and pad into my apron.

He let out an almost relieved sigh and his hand dropped from his facial hair.
"That's good to hear. Can't have my number one worker not up to her best."

I smiled, "Thank you, sir. I try my hardest."

His hand clapped me on the shoulder, "I know you do. And by the way, don't forget to tell that Johnson fellow thank you for the donation. I just bought a delivery of brand new glossed tables. Now the wood won't soak up the spills."

"That's great." I began untying my apron and taking my tips out of its pocket, "I'd better be on my way, I've got to take Dakota shopping for bedroom stuff."

"Alright, good work today. Hope you two have a blessed day." He released my shoulder and turned and walked away.

"Thank you, you too." I called.

I went into the kitchen and clocked out, threw my apron on to a counter and left.


I tightened my hold around the woman around me, kissing her hard on the mouth.

She moaned on my lips and I shoved my tongue between hers, tasting the sweetness of her mouth.

I lifted her up from the floor, and pressed her back into the wall behind us, and she wrapped her legs around me.

"Mathew," she moaned.

I slowly opened my eyes and was suddenly met with emerald green ones, framed with long black eyelashes and dark glasses.

I pulled away and my vision flashed and blue eyes looked back at me with concern.

No more glasses, no more long eyelashes, no more green eyes.

"Mathew, are you ok?" She asked.

I stared at her for a second more, wondering if she would change again, but when she didn't, I answered, "Yes, yes, Marie, thank you for asking."

"That's good." She leaned forward again and pressed her lips onto my neck, suckling and licking.

I tried to focus back in to the woman on me, I ran my hand up into her hair and yanked downward making her yelp with pleasure.

She loosened my tie and pulled it over my head, and threw it on the ground.

I helped her from the tight blouse around her torso.

The air around us was hot and thick.
Just as this woman was.

We moved over to my desk and she sat down on the side, inviting me to stand between her legs.

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