Chapter 26: Zoe

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In the beginning of this whole debacle, I just saw Mathew as my attractive boss, off limits, but nice to look at, maybe even drop a flirtatious comment, but never anything to jeopardize my relationship with Jeremy. But now... now he's my hunky boss, wonderful on the eyes. Now I notice his flirtatiousness, his impeccable physic, not that I didn't notice them before, I knew they were there, but they could never be spoken of, never to be seen as anything more than an authority figure.

Now I stood with my back pressed against the conjoining door to our offices, breathing heavily, hot faced, and heart racing.

I pressed a hand to my chest, attempting to slow my heart rate.

I've gotten myself deep in trouble.


"Miss Stevens," said Mathew as we walked to a conference room, " Don't forget, we are going to New Hampshire next week."

"Oh yeah." I slowed my steps, "I forgot about that."

I watched him head to the front of the room as people began filing in. I assumed my place in one of the chairs against the wall and got out my pen a notebook.

Soon the meeting began and my eyes followed my boss. He walked around the room, making eye contact with the people at the table bringing their attention to him. He talked with his hands and when he got really into it he flung his arms open with a bright face, excitedly talking about an idea for a new issue. It had been my idea but I'd leave that out. He unbuttoned his suit jacket and laid it across the back of the chair and his bulky arms showed through his white button up.

I scribbled down notes through the chatter. When it quieted down and I looked up to see a hand slightly raised in an arrogant way of gaining Mathews attention.

He looked to them, "Yes, Quinette?" He dragged.

"Yes, so, you're wanting to do a sex manual. Nothing else is in the magaizine. What about the articles we already have ready for this month?" The older woman pushed her glasses back into her hair and a lipstick smudged tooth smile appeared on her face.

Mathew leaned on to the back of his chair, "It's not technically a 'sex manual'-"

"Technicalities, who cares? It's what it is, Mathew." She interrupted.

Mathew's grip tightened on the chair and he clenched his jaw. "Actually, it's how to please your partner the way you want to be pleased. But you wouldn't know about that would you, miss-ive-been-divorced-twice?"

I couldn't help but let a smile slide across my face.

Quinette's face dropped and her fingers tapped on the table across from her. The people all around stifled laughter.

"As I was saying," Mr. Johnson began, "this month, let's leave out politics. They don't want that. They hear enough of that everyday why would they want to read about it? We have mostly female readers and sex is all the craze. They want to know how to be pleased," he smirked and tightened his tie, " It's what they want. Who are we to withhold them from that?"

It's true that women lately were wanting more intercourse articles, but an entire magazine of it? Man's got his work cut out for him.

"Thank you for your time. Let's start working." And with the he started shaking hands, giving quick pecks on cheeks, and hugging goodbyes.

Quinette passed him without a glance.

I stood up from my chair and stretched from sitting so long.

"How'd you think it went?" A deep, husky voice sounded.

I turned with a smile to the man, "I think it went pretty well, Mr. Johnson."

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