Chapter 22: Zoe

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I sat on the edge of the leather couch  watching Mathew.

He poured a strong drink, as I had requested, into two drinking glasses.

He set the drink down, picked up the two cups, and made his way over to me.

He handed me a glass and plopped down next to me, his legs grazing my thigh. Electricity shot through my body.

"So," he said taking a sip and running a hand through his hair, a couple strands falling into his eyes. "Go ahead. Talk. I know you want to."

A small smile tugged my lips. "I actually don't."

"Ah, come on. Of course you do. You want to rant. You want to yell at me as if I was whatever-his-name-is." His eyes gleamed.

"His name is Jeremey. And why? You don't want to listen." I sat back and lifted my feet onto the couch.

"Well, make it interesting. Maybe I'll role play."

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Fine. You want me to talk? I'll talk." I moved my body to where my back was pressed against the back of the arm rest so I was facing him.

He did the same.

"Why do men see fit to cheat? I thought we were doing fine. Four years together. We started dating as soon as I got out of high school when we were in college. We met at a coffee shop. He had paid for mine, and I thought that was the sweetest thing. The smallest thing ever, just a little polite action, like paying for my drink, just sent me over. I fell in love. I thought he fell in love with me," I paused.

Tears burned the back of my throat.

I tipped the alcohol back. Draining it all.

He took it from me and went to fill it back up.

"He's a dumbass. All men are dumbasses. Including myself." He said as he poured more into my cup. "We don't know what we have until we loose it. And we force ourselves to loose it. It's like we just can't be happy. But, see, we are happy. We ruin your lives and we are happy. We just boned two women in one day.  That's the dream."

He came back and handed it to me.


He shrugged, leaning back and propping his foot up on his knee, "I don't know."

His eyes moved to me, "But ignore that. Keep talking."

Suddenly my lip started to quiver. I turned away from him. "No. I can't." I mumbled.

"Yes you can." He placed a hand on my shoulder. More sparks.

I breathed in, and let it out, but didn't turn back. Tears spilled down my cheeks, but thankfully I wasn't sobbing.

He took his hand away.

"Four years, Mathew. Four years. You would think that he would've found a place in his heart for me. We've lived together for almost two. And that fucking woman. She ruined it. She was there. She didn't come in until, like, two years in. God," I pushed a palm into my forehead," I was so stupid. Two years they had that going on behind my back. They pretended to be siblings so I wouldn't know they were cheating." I took my hand down.

I took a gulp of the drink. I'd figured it out. It was brandy.

"And it's all ruined. All that time. All that money. Because he didn't love me. And that one time, where I had a date that ended early," I turned to face him, "remember?"

He was looking into his glass and nodded, "I remember."

I turned back, "I thought he was going to propose that night. But all I got was earrings. I know I probably sound selfish like 'Ohh my boyfriend just bought me earrings instead of a thousand dollar ring.' But I really thought he was. I thought I was going to be his fiancee. But he left early, saying he had a 'work emergency'... he probably went to go see her. "

He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to face him again. He looked deep into my eyes, the chocolatey color all the more intoxicating. But that was probably just the brandy.

His hand traveled down my arm and squeezed on to my bicep. "Zoe. You're not stupid. And it's not your fault. He's a dumbass. An absolute dumbass. You are the most beautiful woman, with the most striking personality. Those eyes of yours... they drive people crazy. And your body," his eyes traveled me and i saw a hungry spark in them," absolutely perfect. You"re all that and a bag of chips. He doesn't deserve you. You know what? They deserve to be together. You've got to forget about him, he's too stupid for you."

I broke eye contact. My cheeks were burning. My body was burning, either from embarrassment or something else, I didn't know.

"Youre just saying that to make me feel better. You've had a couple drinks too, so you're not in your right mind."

He scooted closer to me, my head snapped back to him, surprised.

"W-what are you-"

"Zoe. I mean every word I've just said. Every word. Keep talking. Let it all out"

"I just can't..." I broke.

My chin quivered, tears poured, and I began to shake. Sobs began to tear through me.

"It's ok. It's over now."

I threw my arms around him, unable to control myself. I cried into his shoulder. This time I didn't pul away because I realized who I was hugging. His arms found their way on how to console me. One cupped the back of my head, brushing my hair down, the other held around my waist.

We sat for a minute, me crying and him brushing my hair.

I sniffed, and I leaned back.

His thumb moved and wiped away tears from my cheek, his eyes worried.

I placed my hand over his. I don't know why I did. It just felt right.

I chuckled, "God, I hope you don't remember this tomorrow."

Sadness clouded his features. "I really hope I do." His eyes were on my lips.

My heart started beating hard, I was afraid if it beat much harder he would hear it. My body felt like fire was coursing through my veins.

His lips were near inches from mine, he closed his eyes, I turned my head and a soft kiss was placed on my cheek.

He pulled away, confusing pulling down his eyebrows.

"Wha-what? What just happened?"

"I-I'm sorry. I couldn't."

"Yeah," he scratched the back of his neck," Yeah, no, I'm sorry. You just had your heart broken. You know what? Maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing if I forgot about tonight."

And he got up and poured himself more to drink.

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