Thanks Fox (James Maslow Fan Fiction)

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So this time I'll write a James Maslow Fan Fiction.
I'll be writting two Fan Fictions at the same time and I have to work so it is possible that sometimes I take a little bit longer then expected to upload.
What do you think, should I start writting this story?
Tell me if you would like me to writte it down bellow on the comments.
My other Fan Fiction is called "Moments (Jack Harries Fan Fiction)". Just wanted to let you know in case that you would like to have a look at it.

Well I'm from Portugal and it is possible that I make some really stupid grammar mistakes, I'm sorry for that. If you see some thing that I should correct just let me know (if you want of course) what it is and I'll correct it.

I would like to have some opinions of what you think of the story just by reading the plot.
I think that I will post the fist chapter next week (Monday or Tuesday).

The trailer is on the side. Let me know what you think about it :)

So bye :)

Thanks Fox (James Maslow Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now