Chapter 12

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James' P.O.V.

I was talking to Carlos as I saw Alexa and Catherine walking to the kitchen.
"Looks like they're gonna have a girl talk?"

"I'm pretty sure that Alexa is gonna ask her for help to get the two of them together." Carlos pointed at Logan and Joni that were talking. We met Joni last week and are seeing her for the second time now. Logan and Joni get along really well but everybody could sence the nervousness between the two of them.

"Wow, you really do know her."

"Yes I do." He smiled.

"I gotta talk to you," I said to Carlos "Kendall, Logan, can you come here too?" I looked at Joni "You can come as well of course." I smiled at her.

"What's the matter?" Logan asked.

"I'm worried about something." I begun.

"About what?" Kendall asked.

"Do you remember Jonathan?"

"THE Jonathan?"

"Yes, THE Jonathan."

"Yes I do." Carlos said and the rest nooded.

"Joni, do you know him as well?" I asked her

"Yes, my dad is friends with his parents and I know him for a long time. We're kind of friends. He's nice at some point."

"Well, we don't think like you." Logan said.

"What happened?" Joni asked.

"We met him a few months ago when he moved and he seemed to be a nice guy..." I begun.

"... We became friends and sometimes went out..." Carlos continued.

"..: Everything was okay until we found out that he just wanted to hang out with us to have more possibilities to enter to the Hollywood world. He was just interested in girls and to become famous..." Logan continued.

"... And the worst thing. At the time, I used to hang out with a girl, I had a crush on her and Jonathan did everything that he could to get her. He found out the password of my phone and deleted texts that she sent me so that it looked like I would be ignoring her and sometimes would send really 'bad'" he this air quotes when he said bad "texts to her. So he just used us and is a player." Kendall ended.

"And what's the problem?" Carlos looked at me.

"Cat knows him." I said.

"And?" Logan asked.

"They live in the same apartment. I saw him when I went to pick her up."

"He must be the friend that she talked about yesterday." Logan said.

"I don't want anything to happen to her." I said. I looked at Joni and she had a smile on her face.
"What?" I asked her.

"Nothing. I just think that it is cute that you worry so much about her even though you just know her since yesterday. And yes, Alexa told me everything she knows about."

"Ohh okay. And well, i think it is normal to worry about a friend." I said.

"You don't think of her just as a friend." Kendall said.

"Yes I do."

"James, don't lie." Joni said. "I don't know you that well but I can tell there's something just by the way you look at her."

"There's nothing special. We're just friends and I wanna protect her because of that."

"If you say so." Carlos shrugged. "We still think there's something."

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