Chapter 7

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"Where were you until now?"

My head shot to the direction of the living room and I saw Jonathan siting on the couch with his phone in front of him on the coffee table and the TV was on. How haven't I noticed that the TV was on?

"Uhm, out?" I answered him taking a few steps in his direction.

"Alone?" He had a really serious look on his face.

"No, with a friend."

"And who was this friend?"

Okay now I was getting pissed "Why do you wanna know that?" I said crosing my arms.

"I guess I have the right to."

What the fu.... Mhmmm fork. No swearing please, that's a bad habit that I managed to lose a few weeks ago and I don't want to get it again.
Okay, but who the hell does he think he is?!

"I said that I guess I have the right to know who was this friend of yours." He said standing up.

"Ohhh don't need to stand up sweetie, I'm not afraid of you."
That's true, I'm not afraid. But I'm pretty intimidated because he's taller than me.

"Are you sure?" he grinned.

"Do you know what Jonathan? I don't wanna argue with you now. I need some sleep, so good night." And with that I turned on my heels and started to walk to my room.

"Where are you going Cat?" Jonathan asked as he grabbed my arm.

I shook him off "Let me go! Don't think that you're gonna begin to control me now that I'm kind of independent of you. YOU don't have the right to do that. Do you understand me my boy?" I said poking his chest with my finger. "Now I'm gonna have some sleep." I opened the door to my room and turned around to face him "And don't even dare to disturb me until tomorrow." I said shutting the door on his face with a loud 'bum'.

I can't beleieve that he's getting all bossy with me now! Yeah, that's the Jonathan that I hate. The bossy and jealous Jonathan.

I stripped off of my clothes and put my pyjama on. I went to the bathroom, washed my make up off, brushed my teeth and went to bed.

Laying down in bed I took my phone to check facebook.

My dad have left me a mesage.

'Hello love, how are you?

Hopefully you're okay. Just wanted to tell you that we miss you a lot and are praying for you. Don't forget, you're an amazing person and you deserve to become what you want. You're a talented young lady.

Bye love you


I finished to read the message and smiled. He knows what I'm like, I would get really upset for the first negative answer and he's already begining to give me some strengh. even though I still haven't begun searching.

I sent a message back to him.

'Hey daddy, yeah I'm fine thanks, what about you?

And I miss you all a lot too and thank you for praying for me.

I won't give up even though there is a high possybility to become several negative answers.

Thank you for everything

Bye love you all


He usually calls me Caty, that's the reason why I singned as Caty. I sent the text message.

I heard a knock on the door.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"Can I talk to you?" Jonathan asked.

"Yeah of course. Why don't you come in So that I can ruin you pretty face because of freakin' disturbing me!" I said pissed. I told him not to disturb me and he still does it.

"Can I come in or not?"

"No! You can turn around and go away. I wanna sleep!"

"Okay, but we'll talk tomorrow."

"Yeah yeah, wathever. keep dreamin' my boy. There's nothing to talk about so bye."

"Good night." He said and then I heard him walking away.

Finally, I'm gonna get some sleep. I love my bed haha.


Hey there my lovely readers!

How are you all? Hopefully you're fine :)

Here is a little chapter for you. I know it's a short chapter but I don't have time to write because of school and work and so on.

I still have some ideas for the story, so that means that everytime that I have a little time I'll get my phone or laptop and start to write.

I still don't know when I'm going to update next. I'll try to update on monday because I have To worn on sturday and sunday but... no promises.

Thank you for the comments and votes on the last few chapters. That means a lot to me. Believe me, I love it when I get a notification that somebody commented or when I see that I got a new vote.

Thank you so much!

Bye, love you all <3


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