Chapter 5

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All of us turned around and looked at the director.

“Yes Steve?” (I’m not sure what’s the directors name so I just named him Steve)

“First of all, you’re finally here. But I guess you were already filming because your make-up’s done.”

“Yes I was. You forgot that again right?” James arched his right eye brow.

“Yes I did. Sorry.” Steve said.

“No problem. And what else?”

“I guess this young lady came with you.” Steve said looking at me.

“Yes she did. Is it okay if she stays here?” James asked with hope showing on his face.

I just hope that I don’t cause any trouble in here.

Steve looked at James for a few moments without saying anything. Then he finally spoke up. “Of course she can stay. But you know that I like to know who is here in the studios.” He said smiling. “Hi, I’m Steven, nice to meet.” He said stretching his hand out for me to shake.

“Hi, I’m Catherine, nice to meet you too.” I said shaking his hand.

“So, now we have to start recording.”

“Okay! Here we go Palm Woods!” Carlos shouted running to the slide. “Hello swirly. Missed me as much as I missed you?” he said hugging the slide.

I gave James a confused look hoping that he would explain me what was going on in here. I don’t know why but James was already looking at me.

“Ohhhh.” I heard Kendall say.

“Oh, shut up Kendall.” He glared at Kendall. Then he looked at me “That’s the crazy Carlos. Until now you just met the quiet Carlos. But don’t worry, he will be okay as long as he doesn’t run into a wall again.” He said laughing, I laughed as well.

“Yeah, you still don’t know out second face. You just know a part of us. The other one you will know with the time.” Logan said looking at James. James was looking at Logan with a serious look.

“You can stay here with Steve.” Kendall said.

“Okay, I’ll be here.” I smiled at him.

“So, I gotta go.” James said and went to the middle of the set. Logan and Carlos followed him. Carlos was now siting on the couch.

“Get ready guys.” Steve said and sat down on a chair. “You can sit here if you want.” He showed to a chair next to him.

“Thank you” I said sitting down.

They began to film. It’s funny how they can change their personalities in seconds. Hopefully someday I’ll be on a set like this one filming a TV show at even a film. It’s going to be hard, but not impossible.

They were talking about the pranks day and about the rules with a lot of adults. Teenagers Vs. Adults.

They let the book fall down a few times and a few of them forgot their lines. It was funny. As I can see, filming a TV show is hard work but you can have fun on set as well.

“And cut!” Steve said. “Good work everybody. You can go home now.”

James and the other boys walked up to me.

“I have to go change clothes and then we can go whenever you want.”

“Okay.” I smiled. “But I have a question. Where’s Fox? He just disappeared.”

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