Chapter 23

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Areum POV

The boy began to introduce himself looking around for 

I don't know what.

"My name is Jack." He said and at that moment he locked eyes with mine.


I was just off into space thinking about what will happen.

Hye shook me by my shoulders and was looking at me weirdly.

"Areum! What's wrong? You look really pale. Are you okay?! Do you need to go to the nurse?" She attacked me with her questions.

"I-I'm f-fine Hye." I fake smiled so she would get out of my case.

She turned her head back, probably not believing my story.

Why does she have to be a good friend ?! -.-

"Wait, yes I have a problem a MAJOR ONE." I loudly whispered.

She turned immediately.

"What's wrong?" She said seriously.

"You know about what Jimin said right? With my dad..."

"YES! What happened?" She said looking really concerned.

"That.." I said pointing at Jack lowly. "Is my step-brother who's planning to take me to my abusive "dad".

She steamed up with anger.

"I'M-" She blurted out.

I covered her quickly.

"He can't know that we know, kay? Please don't shout." I whispered nervously.

I let go and the others seemed to not care so that's good.

"Can I sit next to her?" Jack said immediately after we turned to him in the front of the class next to the white board.

Not good at all.

I looked at the teacher looking at him nervously.

It must have worked because he replied with a "No we are changing seats in a few, sit down JACK." 

I tried not to giggle, but the rest of the class just laughed while he sat down, mumbling some words.

I turned around looking at Kookie, but he seemed mad at the guy, like VERY, but when he saw me turn around to him he smiled sweetly.

I have a bad feeling about this.

I turned around with Hye and started doing our assignment.

Jungkook POV

Once I saw that guy I had a bad feeling about him.

"My name is Jack." He said simply.

What got me angry was when he looked at MY Areum.

Oh, and also the part where he said "Can I sit next to her?" 


My Poor Areum looking so pale.

I won't let him hurt her. 

Fortunately, Vang said no.

I owe him big time.

After I saw Areum turning around, I forgot I was still mad so I put on a smile and she turned back around.

10 minutes before we left he made his new seating chart and I waited for either Areum's or my name to be called.

"Areum, your seat is down there next to Jungkook. Jungkook, next to Areum for the rest of the year." He said barely looking up from his seating chart.

"Okay." I said and stayed in my seat while that bratty girl left the seat. Areum came over happily.

"Hye, next to Jungkook and Areum." He moved the seats so they were in pairs of fours.

"Okay Mr. Vang." She said smiling, sitting over here.

"Are you okay?" I murmured to Areum while they were putting more seating arrangements.

"Y-Yes" She said smiling warmly. 

I don't believe her.

"Jack, by Areum." Mr. Vang said simply.


Areum looked pale.

I grabbed her hand, it was cold.

"A-Areum?! Are you okay?" I said startled as I felt her hand.


She fell into my arms.

"AREUM!"I screamed.

"Nurse, quick!" Hye yelled and I ran down to the nurse as fast as my legs could take me.

"NURSE HELP SHE FAINTED!" I screamed hoping to get someone's attention.

They took her away.

"Wait here." The nurse said and left into the room.

A hospital car came and began to pull a stretcher out.


I hurriedly followed the ambulance and I sat down waiting.

I called Jimin quickly.

"Hey Kookie, how's it going?" He said in a good mood.

"Horrible come to the hospital quick!" I said my voice breaking.

"It's about Areum. HURRY NOW!" I said and ended the phone call by sitting down.

The doctor came outside and I stood up immediately.

"What's wrong doctor?" I said worriedly.


A/N : Sorry about not posting 😔 Technical difficulties but ayy hope you like this chapter! Stay Awesome! 


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