Chapter 37 - Finale Part 1

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"What do you mean she's in surgery?" I asked dropping my keys on the front desk.

"You're going to have to wait in the waiting room with the rest." The lady at the front desk said.

I go to the waiting room. I feel nervousness getting stronger with each step.

"Jungkook, what in the world? Get out." Jimin growled while striding towards me.

"I want to be here for her." I say anxiously.

"Not today. Today's not the time, or ever." Rapmon said seriously, pushing me away.

I was just worried. I know what I did was so stupid and childish, but I would kill just to see her, to look at her and tell her everything's going to be fine.

But I can't because certain people do not want me to be here and I respect that, but I'm not leaving her, not now, not ever.

So I go.

I go to the hall where they can't see me and I wait.


After I take a nap for about twenty minutes, I was woken up to the sound of running. I lift my head and see two nurses running quickly across the hall. I was confused so I sit and wait again, in hopes of seeing a doctor, or someone to tell me Areum is okay.

The nurse reappears, but this time bringing at least 8 bags of blood. Alarmed, I look up to the surgery board that shows the people in surgery right now. I see one just finished and there's only one more surgery in the operating room.

In bold letters it states:
Park, Areum
Operating Room: 89T
Surgeon Lee Hongsik

As fast as I lightning, I ran. My tears couldn't have been colder. In search of the operating room, I ran. As I entered the hall of the surgery rooms, security ran after me and I couldn't care less.

Next thing you know, I'm being tackled. I grunt and turn around to find a security guard on me along with two others behind him.

I resist.

"I NEED TO SEE AREUM. AREUM! PLEASE COME HERE. I NEED YOU. please." I never despised security guards before, but now I do.

In efforts of getting away I aim for the security guard's face. His name is Paul. I'm sorry Paul, truly sorry but I gotta do this.

I kick at his knee and run farther. I'm in a place called the gallery where I see them operating and see something I never wish on someone's love. They're trying to get blood to circulate around the brain and the heart monitor is going quickly. Too quickly for my liking.

I have never cried so much like this.

And then I black out.

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