Chapter 30

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Areum POV

"Darn it sit still, yah you stubborn!"

I looked down at the boy holding me while I'm struggling.

About a year ago, if you asked me if I would be an actual acquaintance to Jungkook, I would straight off laugh at your face like a lunatic.

I laugh just thinking about it.

Jungkook gives me a confused look, his features turn to look at me strangely before letting me go.

"Um, are you okay? Jimin! Hurry!"

I laugh even more while he settles me on the bed.

Chim barges in, looking like he ran a marathon.

"What?! What is -"

He stops midway when he sees me laughing like a maniac.

"Does she do this a lot?"

"I don't think so...?"

I calm my breaths and realize where I need to be.

I quickly run out of the room almost making it downstairs before I trip on a step.

There goes my life.

I was caught by some arms encircles on my waist before I could tumble.

I look up to see my savior, but just see Jungkook.

"EASY there. Are you trying to hurt yourself on purpose?!"

"Darn it Jungkook! It won't do any good staying here all day! Let me goooo!"

"Doctors orders," He said shaking his head playfully. "Now go to your room or I will drag you there myself." He finished raising his eyebrows at me.

"Bossy little child." I mutter to myself but I didn't say it as low as I expected.

I bump into a hard wall and look up while rubbing my head. Why would they put a wall in the middle of the hospital?

Nope, just Jungkook.

"Ouch! And how did you get there so quickly? " I say rubbing my head while looking at him and where he was.

"What did you just call me?"


"Not quite."

Before I have the chance to respond or run, Jungkook is a step ahead.

He carries me on his shoulder while I'm constantly trying to get out of his grip.

Not that you really want to let go of his grip. Like not that your complaining about -

Conscious, not now!

I'm back on my bed, yay. (Hint hint, the sarcasm)

"You have to stay here for your own good sis. Now let Jungkook take care of you until I get back okay? See you later." Jimin looks amused, but serious once he talks about "My own good".


"GOT TO GOO bye!" He kisses the air and runs off.

On cue, Jungkook comes in with breakfast and I instantly light up.

"BABE!" I say delighted and Jungkook seems to be happy for some reason too.

I quickly snatch the food and look up at Kookie.

"Oh yeah, and thanks Kook." I wink and start on my waffles.

He rolls his eyes amusedly and I smile at him while in this comforting silence.

"So, since when were you going to tell me?"

I put my food down.

"Um, never ?" I cheekily reply.

His face turns into steel. Last time I checked he wasn't iron man.

"Oh, well see you around I'll be downstairs." He turns to leave.

He makes me feel so ugh at times.


Same brain, same.

"Kookie waittt!" I urgently need him in my life, for some strange reason.


Shush it mind.

He doesn't turn around but stops in his tracks.


"I was scared."

He turned around now.

His features softened and he sighed.

"Scared of what? There's nothing to be scared about. I'm here for you, the members are surely here for you, and so is your conforting brother, we will always be here for you. We love you."

I was in full on tears.

"I didn't know that, I thought the moment you all knew, you would leave me here all alone and I can't live with that. All my life people have been constantly shunning me and I didn't want that to happen with you all. You guys are my everything. And now I'm crying, great." I murmurred the last part while wiping my tears.

I was engulfed in a warm fuzzy feeling hug.

"Hey, look at me."

I looked up to be met with the most beautiful brown eyes and heart warming smile that can kill any girl, anywhere. Which makes me glad I have him in my life.

" I - We would never leave you. If I told you once, I'll tell you again , hoping it goes through that thick skull of yours," I glare while he smiles innocently " we love you! And there's nothing that can possibly happen to change that, okay? Am I clear?" He stares intently into my eyes.

I think I was just hypnotized by those eyes, oh goodness.

I nod and when I do, he hugs me again, which sends my heart beating faster, electricity crackling, and two human beings happy to have known each other.

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