Chapter 36

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Lights. I'm covered in lights.

After I said my goodbyes to the group, they prepared me for the surgery and I was off.

Taking a deep breath, I try to relax, but it ends up shaky. I am going to dance with it until I completely stab it in it's tumor heart.

All I see are lights. All I feel is sadness. Sadness that I might not remember who the people who I have had my moments and completely trust. And then there's Jungkook. Yeah we started very rocky with him pushing me around all throughout high school, but I always felt there was more to him. More than he let's on to others. For goodness sake, he did that to me.

But me with my idiot mind goes around digging and ends up loving the guy. Now I'm not so sure. There's yoongi who is always there for me and will protect me and I love that. My brother who I love the most.

And then Hye, Karen and Melanie who will always know what I feel and I understand them to the fullest. The rest of the guys are so playful, but they're a pack and will do anything for their pack.

I love them all.

We arrive to the surgery room. The anesthesiologist is telling me to relax and I feel myself relaxing while she does her job.


She smiles at me.


I feel myself smiling back.

The girls.

She puts the mask on my face.

The guys...

And then I feel myself drifting into complete and utter nothingness.


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