the plane ride

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Chapter 3- the plane ride-

"Wait, how long does it take to get to London?" I asked. We, as in me, Austin, Alex, Austin's mom, and Alex's mom were all on our way to London England. "Well... Let's see. It was about 4 hours 50 minutes from LAX to JFK. Then another 7 hours and 26 minutes so about 12 hours 15 minutes." "OMG. It's really that long?!" I said, looking at my phone. I just got a text from my teacher. Yes, I know what you're thinking. It's not that kind of text. At my school, if you miss a day of school, at the end of the day the teacher's text you what we did in class, and the homework assignments. It was from my English teacher. It said, Hi Kanani. You didn't miss much today. We just did the homework for the class period. The homework; a ten page essay on how Kiki Horans disappearance has affected the Horan family. ~Mr. Barns "Oh my gosh." I said looking up from my phone, "Guess what my homework assignment is for English." I said. They all looked at me like I had ten heads. "Here, I'll just read it to you. It says 'Hi Kanani. You didn't miss much today. We just did the homework for the class period. The homework; a ten page essay on how Kiki Horans disappearance has affected the Horan family. Mr. Barns'" They all stared at me like I grew another head, until I heard Alex chuckle. "Ohh..... I get it now. Because you're Kiki Horan, so he wants you to write a ten page essay on yourself pretty much." Austin explained to his and Alex's mom. "Yup" I said, popping the 'p'. "Well... You got another 6 hours to work on it. So, get going." said Alex's mom. "Fine." I huffed, pulling out my laptop, my I pod, and my Beats sound proof headphones.

~6 hours later~

"Kiki, wake up." I heard Alex say as he shook me. I must have fallen asleep. "What time is it?" I asked "It's about 2 in the morning here, 9 at night back home." I felt someone take my laptop off my lap, and then someone pick me up, bridal style. I really didn't care who it was, I just wanted to go back to sleep. So, I snuggled into their chest. "Is she still asleep?" I heard someone ask. "Yup" whoever was holding me, I think that its Alex said, popping the 'p'. "Okay. c'mon, the limos here anyway." someone said that and we started walking. "What time are we going over there later?" "Around 4, why?" "Okay, good. Cause I really think that it's a bad idea to wake her up. So, we'll let her sleep till 3." "No we can't do that. She'll take like FOREVER getting ready and it's a 10 minute drive there anyway." "Fine. 2:30. That's final. I don't want her to be sitting around doing nothing. And if we get her any earlier it's your fault. I don't want to be in her wrath with sleep. She can't get enough of it when she slept like 18 hours in one day." "Fine." and with that I felt us sit down. As soon as I felt the car

moving I let the darkness comes over me, for a nice peaceful sleep.


-Alex's pov-

So, the plane ride wasn't that bad. Kanani, sorry, Kiki fell asleep about 4 hours into it. Once the pilot said that we were going to be landing soon I got up, and started to take all of her things off of her. (Oh. And I know how you people think. And FYI. I did NOT

mean it like that. I meant that I was taking off all of her electronics.) Once we landed I put most of her things in her bag. I shook her awake. "Kiki, wake up." She started to wake up when I heard her mumble "What time is it?" I looked at my phone, thank god that I set the dueled clock to the time in London. "It's about 2 in the morning here, 9 at night back home." i said to her. I took her laptop off of her lap and put it in her bag. I put the bag on and picked her up bridal style. She snuggled into my chest as I walked off the plane. "Is she still asleep?" I heard Austin ask. "Yup" I said, popping the 'p'. "Okay. c'mon, the limos here anyway." he said. Walking out the doors of the airport. "What time are we going over there later?" "Around 4, why?" "Okay, good. Cause I really think that it's a bad idea to wake her up. So, we'll let her sleep till 3." "No we can't do that. She'll take like FOREVER getting ready and it's a 10 minute drive there

anyway." "Fine. 2;30. That's final. I don't want her to be sitting around doing nothing. And if we get her up any earlier it's your fault. I don't want to be in her wrath with sleep. She can't get enough of it when she slept like 18 hours in one day." "Fine." he said as i sat down. As soon as the car started I could feel that she fell back asleep. Not even like five minutes later we were at the hotel. "So mom got us 2 rooms. The three of us are sharing one the they are sharing the other one." He said once we got into the elevator. "Okay." I said as he unlocked the door. "Just set her down on

one of the beds." He said. "Well no dough." I said, setting her down on the one closest to the window. "No. Not that bed. That's the one that I wanted." He said sitting on the middle bed. "Nope" I said popping the 'p', "that's my bed." I said, pushing him off.

"What, no fair. I called it first." He said, getting up. "Nope. Would you rather her waking you up in the middle of the night, or me?" "You." "K then. This is mine." "Whatever." He

said, getting in his bed. "Good night Austin." "Alex." He's mad at me. I know that, but I don't really care. It was about two hours later that I heard Kiki waking up. "Alex?" "Yeah K?" I said sitting up. "What's up?" "Can you sleep next to me?" "Yeah. Sure." I said, getting up and lying down next to her. I wrapped my arm around her, and pulled her to my chest. After a few minutes she fell back asleep. I fell asleep not too long after.

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