Meeting the new fam-fam

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Chapter 4-Meeting the new fam-fam-

"So, what time are we going over there today?" I asked, barely up. "We are going over there around 4. And right now it's 2. So, you have two hours to get ready." I heard Austin say. I got up and out of bed and went over to the bathroom. After I locked the door, I took my clothes from yesterday and took a nice long hot shower. After that, I rapped a towel around my hair, and another one around my body. I unlocked the door, and went over to my suit case. I opened it to take out some clothes when the boys walked back in. "Well good to see that you're up." said Alex. "Yeah, whatever. I'm just getting these." I said waving the clothes that I picked out in their faces. "Whatever. Go get dressed. Its almost 3:30. and it takes like 10 to 15 minutes to get there." Austin said. I just grumbled and said a bunch of colorful words at them under my breath. "I heard that you know!!" I heard Austin yell after me. "Your welcome!!" I yelled back as I closed and locked the door. After I got dressed and did my hair I went out. "Time." I said. "3:45. Hurry it up." Alex replied. "Okay, okay. I hurrying." I said as I put my shoes on. I grabbed my bag that had my headphones, Ipod, speakers, laptop, and phone. I took my phone out to see that I had a bunch of missed calls and texts from the rest of my friends back home. I sent out a quick group message saying that I'll tell them later the reason that I left and wasn't in school. "Leggo!!" I said as I walked out of the room.

So, the car ride here was pretty good. I blasted out the song 'I would' by One Direction, despite the reaction from Austin and Alex. So.... Just to make Austin happy I put on his song '11:11' even though I don't really like it. And now here we are, on the front steps of my brothers home. I zoned out for a little bit because the next thing that I remember is that I was more or less pushed in the door by Austin. Once I regained my balance, I turned around and smacked him in the arm. "OW! What was THAT for!" he asked me. "Because you pushed me, so I smacked you." "Yup, I can see the resemblance now." said someone behind me. "What? Wait, your Harry Styles." After I said that, I may......... have squeaked a little bit. "Fan?" "No. I couldn't hate you more." "Haz, who's at da door!!" I heard someone yell from behind him. "Oh, it's just Austin and his friends." he yelled back. "Well tell 'em to come back here!!" someone new yelled to him. "Whatever." he grumbled under his breath, "Follow me." he said to us, as he turned around and walked into another room. We, as in only me, Austin and Alex followed him. We walk into what I'm guessing is the living room. There was four boys, counting Harry, and two girls. "Hi, I'm Liam Payne-" "I'm Louis Tomlinson-" "I'm his girlfriend Eleanor Calder" "I'm Zayn Malik" "I'm Perrie Edwards, Zayn's girlfriend." "I'm Danielle Peazer, Liam's girlfriend." I was a little overwhelmed by all the name's so I moved closer to Alex, who in turn put his arm around me. "I know who y'all are. Liam, Louis,Zayn, Harry, and Niall are part of One Direction. Perrie, you're part of Little Mix. Eleanor, or as you like to be called El, you're a hollister model. And Danielle, or as most of your friends call you Danny, you're a back up dancer for the boys." I said like it was nothing. "H-h-how do you know all of that?" Perrie asked, moving closer to Zayn. "Well you guys ARE famous, and Kanani here is kinda a big fan-" "I AM NOT A BIG FAN!!!!" I more or less yelled at him. "Yes you are!" "Am not." "Are too." Are not." "Are too." "Not." "Too" "Not" "Too" "GUYS!!" Austin yelled. "WHAT!??!" Alex and I yelled at the same time. "Stop your bickering, and well...... Just SHUT THE HELL UP!!" "Fine." Alex said as I said some.... colorful words to Austin under my breath. "And, by the way Kiki, I heard that." "No, no you didn't." "Whateve-" "Wait did he just say Kiki?" "Yes, yes he did." "Oh my gosh. So it is true!?" "Yup." I said, popping the 'p' "My name is Kanani, but my birth name is Kiki, Kiki Horan." "Oh my god! Does N-" "Don't use God's name in vain. And no, my brother doesn't know. Austin contacted Harry, not Niall." I said. "Oh, um.. okay then." Liam said. "Kiki, do you want to see your brothers room? Just so that you can get to know him from his things." "Ummm.... Yeah, sure." I said as he got up. "Follow me then." he said, walking out of the room. I grabbed Alex's hand and followed him up like 5 or 6 stairs, down a hallway, and into my brothers room. It was dark and gloomy. It had black walls, with a queen size bed, with a dark silk comforter. One wall had a big bow window with a bench on it. Another wall had pictures and drawings of a baby and a necklace. The baby was me, and the necklace was the one that he gave me. "Do you mind if I see your necklace?" Liam asked me as I pasted the picture of me with my mom, dad, and niall. "Sure." I said as I pulled the necklace out of my shirt, and showing him. "Oh my gosh! So it is true. You are Kiki Horan." I just shook my head 'yes' and put the necklace back in my shirt. He looked at his phone, "We should probably go back downstairs, Niall's coming home soon." I shook my yes and we started walking. I went over to Alex and said, "I don't like that room." "How don't you like it." "There's something not right in that room." "Like human? or something else?" "A little bit of both. More like an evil human." "Okay." he said, "Hey guys, do you know if anyone in Nialls family has a sixth sense?" "What do you mean by 'sixth sense'?" Louis asked. "What he means, is that has anyone in my family ever seen or sensed ghosts?" "Ummm.... I'm not sure. You'll have to ask him." Harry said. "Why, do you sense anything, Kiki?" "Um.... Yeah. I do, and I don't like being in Niall's room." "Why not?" "I just don't like the feeling of it." "Don't worry. He'll change almost EVERYTHING about that room once he meets you." El said. "No, it's not that. It's that there is an evil human in that room." "Oh, umm.... okay then-" Danny started. "Guys! I'm home!" "Okay, we're in the living-room!!" Zayn answered. "Yeah, I know what you're thinking. And yes, there is a LOT of yelling in this house." Perrie said. "Okay." I answered. "Hey guys, girls, Austin. Who are you two?" Niall said as he walked into the room. I started to take out my necklace as I said, "This is Alex, we are both friends of Austin." "And who are you?" he asked me. All I did was take out my necklace and show it to him. "Where did you get that?" he asked pointing to my necklace. "My biological brother gave it to me before I was taken away from them. I have a picture of us. It was taken a few moments before I was taken away." "Can I see . picture, please?" he asked. "Yeah sure. Alex can I have my back-pack please." I asked, pointing to my bag. "Yeah sure. Here." he said handing it to me. I sat down on the floor and started to go threw my things. I took out my laptop. I put the picture in my laptop to make sure that it wouldn't crimple. I took it out and handed it to him. "Here." He took one look at it and dropped it. "No way." "What's the matter Niall?" Harry asked him. "You can't be Kiki. Wait. How old are you and whens your birthday?" "I'm 15, and my birthday is January 27th 1998." When I said that I heard him gasp. "No way. It can't be you." "Why not?" "Because people said that she was killed." "Well, I'm not died." "Where did you go?" "The U.S." "Oh.. okay then. That was on place that we never looked." "Oh, and I have this dna report." "What dna report?" "This one." I said, handing him a piece of paper. As he was reading the paper, I heard him gasp about 15 times. "Kiki" I heard him whisper. I looked up into his eyes and saw that there was tears in his eyes. "I'm sooo sorry. I can't believe that I didn't believe my own sister. I'm so sorry." he said as I got up from the floor. "It's okay Niall. I forgive you." "But how? You were in the one spot that we didn't look." I gave him a hug. He seemed to calm down a little bit. "Niall, can I ask you something?" "Yeah, what is is kiki?" "Does anyone in our family have a 'sixth sense'?" "Um.... what do you mean by that?" "I mean, can anyone in our family see or sense ghost, or more or less spirits because not all spirits are ghosts, but all ghosts are spirits." "I don't know. I'll have to ask mum. Why, can you?" "Yeah. I can." "I'll ask mum later when I talk to her, but okay." he said as I sat down on Alex's lap. I went to sit next to him, but he pulled me on his lap. "Are you and Alex...." he asked. "No, no, no, no. We aren't dating." I answered. I think I heard Alex say "Yet" under his breath. "What?" I asked, looking at him. "Nothing, nothing." "Okay then." I said, turning away from him. "So what are we gonna do?" "Well I really wasn't planning on doing anything today. Sooo...-" "Can I walk around the house for a little bit?" "Yeah sure." "Okay." I said getting up, "C'mon Alex." I said grabbing his hand. I ran up the stairs, him after me. "Just go to where your gettin' pulled. And we'll start there." As he said that I started walking to one of the rooms. I opened one of the door, and walked in. "Oh my god!" I heard Alex yell, "Kanani, are you-" Was all he said before I blacked out.

My Brothers Direction (Part 1) *UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now