Recording Time

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Chapter 18- Recording Time-

~Kiki's POV~

"So what are we doing today?" Niall asked as he came down stairs. "Well since your feeling better Uncle Si wants us to go to the studio to record I Want" Liam said. "When are we leaving?" "In about 5 minutes." "Alright. Brb!!" I said running up the stairs to my room. I got changed into black studded high waisted shorts, black heels with red white and blue splatter paint on them, a black and white British flag and a red, white and blue bandeau underneath. I went to my bathroom and put on sparkly eye shadow, blue eyeliner, mascara, curled my eyelashes, and put on bright red lipstick. I take my hair out of the messy bun and straightened it. It was a dirty blond, like Niall's, but it went to my waist and covered my right eye when I had it down like this. I took my phone and Ipod, put them in my red, white and blue clutch and ran down stairs. "Time?" I yelled as soon as I got down stairs. "A minute left." I heard Harry say in the kitchen. I walked in as he turned around. "" He said, looking at me from head to toe. "Thank you Harry." I said taking a small snack for me, carrots for Lou, leftover food from Nandos for Niall, and the tub of hair gel on the table for Zayn. "I'll be right back." I said walking up stairs. I first went to Zayn. "Zayn?" I asked, knocking on his door. "What do you want Kiki? I kinda can't talk right now. Have to find my hair gel." He said running around his room. "You mean THIS hair gel?" I asked him holding it out in my hand. "YES!!" He screamed, "Where was it?" "Down stairs on the kitchen counter." I said as he took it from me and ran into his bathroom yelling, "THANK YOU!!" "Your Welcome!" I yelled back, walking out of his room. I then went back down stairs and into the living room where I knew the other boys were, and I was right. Niall was on the floor complaining how hunger he was, Lou yelling that we have to get more carrots, Liam trying to calm the both of them down, Austin, alex, and Harry all on there phones, and Mack just sitting on the floor doing nothing. I walked over to Lou and Niall, dropping the leftover food in Niall's lap and throwing the bag of carrots at Lou's face. Which, did in fact hit him in the face. "THANK YOU KIK- wait your not Kiki." "Yes she is Lou. She just straightened her hair and changed." Harry said, not even looking up from his phone. "Alright guys, we can go now!" Zayn yelled, walking into the living room. "Dame, Kiki." He said, eyeing me up. "Dude, that's my sister." Niall said, slapping him on the back of the head. "Alright guys. One of the only rules that I have about my clothing is that there is no eye raping me." I said as we walked out of the house. I got a bunch of mummert "Fine"s out of them as we walked to the van. I sat in the back with Alex. Austin, Niall, Harry and Mack sat in the middle and Louis and Liam sat in the front, with Liam driving. Once we got there, and past a lot of screaming fans, we went up to the room. I was about to go in when Alex pulled me to the side. "Hey Kiki, can I talk to you?" "Yeah sure." I said, before I followed him into the next recording room. One I shut the door he started talking. "So, Kiki. I really liked you for a while now and I was.... ummmm... Maybe wondering if you would like to go out with me?" He said scratching the back of his neck, his cheeks a dim shade of pink. "Yes" As soon as I said that he picked his head up. "Really?" "Yes really." I said, looking in his eyes. "IEE!" I said as he picked me up in a hug and spun me around. When he was done, he kissed me. I was surprised. I just let him kiss me until my brain caught up with what was happening. I kissed him back. Let me just say, It was the best kiss EVER!! It had so much love and passion ever in it. He was the first one to pull back. He rested his forehead on mine and we just looked into eachothers eyes. "We should get back before they start looking for us." I said. I really didn't want my brother or Austin coming and finding us like this. "Okay." He said before he kissed me again. He pulled back and took my hand. I opened the door and walked out. "I'll be right back." He whispered in my ear once we got to the room where my brother was in. "Okay." I said giving him a peck on the lips. I walked in the room and there was the boys, except Harry, sitting on the couch. All on their phones. I went over to where the recording studio was to ask Uncle Si something. "Uncle Si?" I asked still in the doorway. "Yes Kiki?" "Can we talk about my song?" "Yeah sure." He said, leading into another room. "So, did you take me up on my offer?" He asked once the door was closed. "Yes.... But, I want someone else to sing it." "What do you mean?" "I mean. I'll do a cover of it and post it on youtube." "Really? You don't want to sing it your self?" "No. I don't. I'm not ready for that yet. Whenever I would sing when I was younger I was always told that I'm a bad disgrace and that I suck at it. So, yeah. That's mostly the reason why I don't want to sing it. And Also, I'm still getting used to all the fame that I'm getting from the boys, and I don't think that I want to add to it right now." "Alright. So who do you want to sing it?" "Taylor Swift." "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure. I also heard that she likes Harry." I said walking out. "Hey. Where'd you do with Uncle Si?" Austin asked as I walked back in. "He wanted to talk to me about my song." "What did you say?" Harry asked, walking out of the booth. "That I did want it to be released, but not as my song" "Really?" Everybody asked. "Yes. I just really don't want to sing it, because-" "Because when she was younger and would sing her 'mom' and 'dad' would say that she's horrible, sucks, and is a disgrace." Alex said, coming up behind me and putting his head on my shoulder. "So, I see that he finally got the courage to ask you out." Harry said, "And I see that you said yes." he said as I turned my to look into Alex's eyes. "Yes." He said after he kissed me. "Stop with the PDA!!!!" Louis yelled. "Oh please, Louis. You don't even have vergin eyes. You haven't for awhile." I said. Everyone started laughing, even Liam. Louis, on the other hand, was glaring at me with like pink on his cheeks. "Not funny Kiki. Not funny." He said as Uncle Si walked in. "Hey, whats up Uncle Si?" Liam asked, being the first one to stop laughing. "Um. Why is Harry on the floor?" "Just something that Kiki said." "Oh, okay."



FINALLY!!!. I'm sooooooo sorry for the long wait. I started school, so I had a lot of homework, so I couldn't type anything. I also couldn't think of anything to end it with. I had about 3/4ths of it, but it would have been so short so I had to wait in order to think of something in order to finish it. Alright. Later!!!!






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