Meeting the parents

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Hey guys. I think that you waited long enough for this chapter. Would have posted it sooner but I didn't have my laptop with me. Hope ya like it. And If there are any spelling mistakes please tell me. Would also love to here what you think about it.

Chapter 7- Meeting the parents

~Kiki's POV~

"Nialler." I whined. "Where are we going?" "Somewhere." he said. We have been in the car for like HOURS. He even had the nerve to wake me up at 10:30 in the morning. Right now it's 1 in the afternoon. "Can we at least stop for something to drink?" I asked. I was really in the mood for monster. "Yeah sure. What do you want?" Louis asked. "Oh, oh, oh. Can I get a salad with ranch dressing, a bag of fritos, and a pink monster." I said, getting all excited. "I don't think that that's such a good idea Kiki." Niall said. "But- but- but-" I said, giving him teary puppy dog eyes. "No Kiki. No monster." "Hey Niall. You did wake her up at 10:30. And if she wakes up before noon she has to have a monster with lunch. Otherwise she has a higher chance to pass out, even with the necklace on." I heard Austin say. "That's why we never wake her up, unless we have a monster ready for her with us." "Ugh. Fine." "Yes. Thank you NIALL!!" I yelled in his ear. "No yelling in my ear." "Fine." I mumbled. "LOUIS!!" I yelled as he got back in the car. "Here Kiki. Your salad with ranch dressing, a bag of fritos, and a pink monster. Niall, Austin, and Alex here are your Nandos." "NANDOS!!" Niall yelled in my ear. "Oi Niall. No yelling in my ear." "Sorry Kiki." "Whatever. Can we just get going?" "Sure." was the last thing I heard before I zoned out.

~2:30 pm~

"Kiki!" I heard Niall yell as he pulled out one of my headphones. "What the hell Niall!?" "We're here. C'mon." "Where are we?" "Home." He said as he put an arm around my shoulders. "Mum! Dad! We're here!" "Hi honey. I'm Maura, Niall's mum." "And I'm Bobby, Niall's dad." "Where's Greg?" "Store. What's your name honey?" mom said to me. "My name is Kiki." I look over at Niall, and he shakes his head 'yes' a bit. "Kiki Horan."



Was going to end it there but it's too short.


I heard a bunch of gasps. It was mostly from mom though. "No way. They told us that you were dead." Mom said. "I was in California." "I don't beleave you." Dad said. "Well.... Would this" I said, pulling out my necklace, "make you beleave me?" I showed them my necklace. "Oh my god." My dad said. "Don't use God's name in vain." "Sorry Kiki." Dad said. "It's okay. It's just the way that I was brought up. I guess. Who's Greg?" "Our older brother." "Oh, okay. Do you know who would take me?" "Well who was your mother and father?" Dad asked me. "My mothers name was Dorian, and my fathers was Dallas." I heard mom gasp and dad breath in a tight breath. "Did you know them?" "Yes. Dallas was my best man for our wedding." Dad said. "He was jealous that we have children. When we had Niall they both disappeared. We found Niall a few days later. They never found Dallas though. Then when you went missing so did he. We looked all over Ireland, London, and Europe for you. We never thought of the US." "Oh. Why would he want me and not Niall?" "Dorian always wanted a girl. Not a boy. I think that he got her Niall, but she wanted a girl. So, when you were born he took you for her." mom said. "Oh-" "Mum! I'm home! Hey dad, Niall. Who are you?" Who I'm guessing was Greg walked in. "I'm Kiki. Your little sister." As soon as I said that he got tears in his eyes. "Kiki?" he croaked out. "Yes. See." I said, showing him my necklace. "Oh my gosh." He whispered, pulling me into a huge hug. "I thought that we would never find you." "Well I'm here now. So no need to worry." I whispered in his ear as I hugged him back. "Come here Kiki." Mom said as she pulled me away from Greg and into her arms. "I'm so sorry that we didn't look for you better." "It's okay mom. It's okay." "So, what did happen to you the past 15 years?" Dad asked. "Well..." I told them about everything. My first boyfriend, my first kiss, even though I got some disgusted looks from Nialler and Greg. How Dallas tried to kill me when Dorean had cancer. How she died, how she told me who I was. The box that I found under their bed, and how I found it. By the end of the story dad was clenching his fists, Greg pacing the floor in front of us, Nialler and I holding mom, who was crying her eyes out. "Mom. It's okay now. I'm here with you. I'm safe now. With the boys and Greg I think I'm good." That earned a laugh from pretty much everybody. "We get to stay for up to a month then we have to go back to London. But I promise whenever we can, we WILL come visit. I pinky promise." "Pinky promise? What's that?" I heard Niall ask. Gasp "You don't know what 'pinky promise' is?" "No? Should I?" "Yes." "What does it mean?" "It means that you pretty much promise for ever. You interlock fingers showing that the promise that you make will stay in between you two." "Oh." "Hey Kiki?" "Yes mom?" "Do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow? I have to get some new clothes, and I was thinking that you could help me?" "Hmmmm..... I don't know.......YES! I love shopping. Even for other people. I love picking out, matching, and even making fashion. Like this jacket I got just the jean jacket and I added all the other color, and my name on the back. Well, now I have to change it, but it wont be that hard." I said, handing her my jacket.

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