Mall and Nicknames

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Chapter 12- mall and nicknames-

~Kiki's POV~

"Alright so. This is my room." I said to Mack as I opened my door to show her my room. "Theres like nothing in here." She said, walking around. She was right, there was like nothing in my room. I had 2 white walls, 1 wall that had a bow window with a bench, the other wall was just a wall full of windows. My big queen size bed was on one of the white, wail I had a desk on the other on. On my desk was an Iphone 5, white of course, a 5th generation white Ipod, and a black Mac laptop. "We have to go shopping." "Yeah we do. Wait, can you make yourself visible so that the boys can see you. Or no?" "I can, not for long, but I can. I could also make them hear me." "Alright, c'mon." I said, grabbing her hand and running down the stairs. "BOYS!!!!" "What's the matter Kiki?" Liam asked as I walked into the living room. "Where's Niall?" Mack asked. "In the kitchen." Harry replied. "Kiki, who's this?" "This is Mack. I told you all about her before when we were at mom and dads." "Yeah, but I couldn't see her then but I can now. Why?" "Because I want you to see me." she answered. "AND WE CAN HEAR HER TOO! I'M NOT JUST THE ONLY ONE HEARING THIS RIGHT!!??" Lou yelled. "Oi! Lou, indoor voice!" Liam told him. "Why are we yelling at Lou to use his indoor voice?" Niall asked as he walked back in the room. "Hello Niall." Mack said. At the sound of his name he turned around. And let me just say, the look on his face was priceless. He look surprised. He opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out, so he closed it again. This went on for just about 5-6 times. "Alright I'm confused here. Mack, how do you know my brother?" I asked, turning to her and putting my hands on my hips. "When I was still alive Niall and I went out. When it was my time to go I told him that I would always be near him, and that I would protect his younger sister.-" "And the funniest part about that, was that I never once told her about you. Neither did mum, dad, or Greg." "So wait. Let me get this straight. You" I said pointing to Mack, "and you" Pointing to my brother, "were a thing?" "Yes we were a thing for about 4 years." Mack answered. "Wow. Alright, now back to the topic that we came here in the first place, can you guys take us" I said pointing to me and Mack, "shopping?" "Yeah sure Ki." Liam said, "We'll meet you and Mack in like 5 minutes." "Okay!!" I yelled as Mack and I ran up the stairs to my room. I got changed into a pair of neon pink skinny jeans, a black Sheer crop-top, and a neon pink bando. I paired it with a pair of black heels that were splattered painter with neon pink paint. "Mack. How do I look?" I asked as I stepped out of my closet. And yes I have a walk-in closet. "Cute. What are you going to do with your hair?" "I was thinking of doing loose curls." I said picking up my curling iron. When I was done, I unpluged the curling iron to let it cool. I walked over to my bathroom. Yes I also have my own bathroom. Halfway there I stopped and flipped my hair a few times, and then put hairspray on it. "So that's how you do lose curls. I never knew how to do them." She said as I walked into my bathroom. I put on hot pink sparkly eyeshadow, and eyeliner. "Yup" I said, popping the 'p'. "I learned how to do it because it was in a tiger beat magazine." I said as I gathered my phone and my new pink and black ray-bans. "Lets go" I said as I walked out my door. Once I was at the door I realized that none of the boys were ready. "BOYS!! LETS GO!!" I yelled. I was answered with a bunch of 'We're coming', 'Okay okay' and a 'You're done already!'. Once all the boys were done and down stairs we left in the van, and let me tell you, I was a really funny ride. As we were getting in Harry almost sat on Mack, but she kicked out of the car. The was that it went was Louis was driving with Niall in the passenger seat, in the middle row was Zayn, Alex, Liam, and Harry, and in the back was Austin, me, and Mack. "We're here. God Louis I thought that you were gonna kill us." Alex said as soon as we pulled into the parking spot. We ended up getting pulled over like 6 times, making the 5 minute drive like a half hour. "I haven't killed anybody!" Lou protested. I thought that he mumble 'yet' under his breath but I'm not quite sure. "Alright everybody. Hoods up, glasses on." Liam said as we got out of the van. "Alex, Austin and I don't have hoods, but we got our glasses on!" I said, giving them a smile and two thumbs up. "Good enough." Liam mumbled. I heard harry whisper something to Alex, and I thought that I heard my name. "What was that Harry?" I asked. "Oh, nothing." He said cracking up. "Share. Now." I said through clenched teeth. I hated when people talked about me and I didn't know what it was about, or when people laugh at me. "It's just that you were in the back with Austin alone, and there was one point where we didn't hear anything between you two." "So?" I can tell that he was a little taken back about my response. "Hurry up already guys! I want food!!" Niall whined. "Still eating a lot of food I see." Mack said, shaking her head, "I still wonder how you never got fat." "Wait, he did this whole eating a lot before we met him?" Hazza asked mack. "Yes, yes he did-" "I'm hungry." "When aren't you?" "Whatever" he said as he started walking to the entrance. Once we were inside we stopped. "Alright, so me, Austin, Mack, and Lou are gonna come with me. We will see you guys in a little bit." I said pulling Austin and Louis' hands. Once we were in one of the stores, and far away from the other boys I stopped. "So, why did you need me?" Lou asked. "Prank week." I said. I was met with a "Yes" from Lou, a "No" from Austin, and a glare from Mack. "Don't worry Texas. It'll be the four of us against the five of them." I said. 'Texas' is the nickname that I gave Austin because his name is a city in Texas, and also because he's from Texas. "Even Alex?" "Even Alex." "Yes. Thanks L.A." he said, hugging me. My nickname for him is L.A. because I've always wanted to go to L.A. when I was younger, and the first time I went there I loved everything about it. "So why did you need me?" "Because Louie. We have to go to the toy store and I know that that was gonna be that store that you were gonna go in so I was really just playing it safe with taking you." "Oh. Okay. Can we go there now?" "No, not now Lou. We have to get things for my room, then eat, then we can go, and then after that we will eat again. Then we can meet up with the rest of the boys and go home." "Fine. You are just like your brother with eating." "Whatever." I said, looking around the store. "Kiki?!" "Yes Louis?" "I want a nickname?" "Okay, your carrot king, Harry is Hazza, Liam is superman, Zayn is hair-boy, Niall is either Nialler or food king. I'm L.A. Austin is Texas, Alex is Five, don't ask. And then McKenzie is just Mack. Okay, better now?" "Yes!" He screamed skipping off to Austin to, no doubt tell him the nicknames.


So, by the time we were done and eating the second meal within like the past 4 hours I got a lot for my room and a lot for prank week. For my room I got some posters of the boys and of Austin, an american, a british, and an Irish flag. I got a red, white and blue canopy for my bed, and an Irish flag canopy for my desk. I also got some hot pink paint to splatter onto like everything in my room. For prank week I got more paint, all different colors. I got a lot of clear glue for Zayn, fake food for Niall, spoons for Liam, and a lot of stuffed cats for Hazza, and wail Lou wasn't looking I even got a few other things just for him, Austin and alex that only Mack and I know about. I also got over 1,400 water balloons to put the paint in, 2 water guns (one for me and Austin) for paint, and some fake magazines. Don't ask, I didn't even know till I read it on the back of the box. Only me and Mack know about everything that I bought, Austin about 7 8ths of it (because there is that one part only for him) and Louis about 1 8th of it. "You guys read to go? I want to go home." Hazza whined. "Okay, Lets go then" Liam said. "Okay Superman!" Louis said as he ran to the door. Austin, Mack and I bursted out laughing the second that we saw Liams face. "I thought that you were never going to repeat what happened?" He whispered to Lou. "Wait what happened?" Mack asked. At that moment Niall went typing away on his phone. A few seconds later my phone vibrated, meaning that I got a text.

My hot sexy brother~

I'll have to text later about it. ~Nialler


Really? I like da name.~k

My hot sexy brother~

I knew you would! ~nialler

"Whatever Niall."



Alright, so I start school on Wednesday so I might be a little slow at updating for a little bit. (Like a wee or two) Because I'm just starting Ninth grade, dance, and cheerleading all about the same time. so I might be a little slow. So, for now:

Next update: Wednesday (maybe thursday.)





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