The First Date

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Chapter 20 ~The First Date.~

"We are here!" I heard Perrie yell as they came in the door. "Up in her room!" Dani yelled back. "They are bring the dress up. So keep your eyes closed." "Ok, ok. I have been for the past half an hour. " "Don't go all sassy on me. That's what Lou is for." "You know that I heard that, right Dani?" El said. "You don't think so?" "That's true. Alright so. Here is the dress." "Stand up Kiki." I stood up and felt them put something on me. I also felt them put high heels on me. They felt like a good 5 inches. A few minutes later I was allowed to open my eyes. "Go ahead Kiki, you can open you eyes now." When I opened my eyes, I was standing in front of a mirror, but in the mirror wasn't me. It was a girl with long curled hair, eye make up bringing out the blue in her eyes making them more of a gray color. A white strapless dress, with gems and beads and a little bit of ruffles, and puffed out on the bottom. I was also wearing light gray 6 inch heels that had sparkle white splattered on them. My nails were also a light sparkle gray. "Oh. My. Gosh." Was all I could say. "I told you she would like it." El said to Perrie. "I don't like it...-" "WHAT!?!" "No, you didn't let me finish. I don't like it....... I LOVE IT! Thank you guys so much." I said hugging them. "Every minute, every second, every hour of the day Iyiyi Every hour of the day Iyiyi Everytime that I'm away Iyiyi Missing you, missing you" My phone sang. "I'm guessing that it's six." I said, turning off the alarm. "Alright. We'll go down first the you as soon as we text you." Dani said as the three of them walked out my door. A few seconds later my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of the little white clutch bag and opened the text. You can come down no Kiki. Dani said. I put it back in the bag, took a deep breath and walked out of my room and to the top of the stairs, where I know they're waiting at the bottom. As soon as I started walking down the stairs, that's when they saw me. Alex looked like he was stunned, Dani, El and Perrie just had the biggest smirks on their faces. "Wow. You.. You look really good in a dress." He said, taking my hand. "Thanks." I said, blushing. "Alright you two. Go now, before the boys get back in 20 minutes." El said, pushing us out of the door. "So.... Where are we going?" I asked as he helped me in the car. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out." He said once he was in the car. "Fine." I huffed. "You look so cute when you pout like that, you know?" "Whatever." I said, looking out the window, trying not to show him the smile that came across my face. We were driving a good ten minutes till we came to a stop in front of a place that looked over the water below. "Oh my gosh. This is beautiful!" I gushed as soon as he got me out of the car. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over toward the edge to a picnic. "Oh my gosh. Did you set this up Alex?" "Yes, well a little help from Louis. Did you know for acting like such a little kid, he is actually really smart?" "Really?" "I know right. I was just a surprised." He said sitting down on the picnic blanket. We started eating, and listening to music, 5 seconds of summer to be exact. When the song was over Alex turned it off, and we cuddled and watched the sun set. "This is beautiful." I said, breaking the comfortable silence that was in the air. "You know what else is beautiful?" "What?" I asked looking up at him. "You." He said. I could feel the blush that was coming on my cheeks so, I turned away. He grabbed my chin with one finger and turned my head back towards him, "Don't turn away when you blush, you are really beautiful and I think that you should know it." He said, before he kissed me. The kiss was a magical one. It lost a little bit of spark but it was still really good. Once we were done, we started watching the sunset again. "You know. My mama always told me that once the sun hits the horizon there will be a green flash of light." "Oh really?" "Yes really. She even said that she say it when she was younger, that's how she knows about it." I said as the sun hit the horizon. There was no flash of green light. "Oh well. I also didn't say that she wasn't the most sane person when she told me this." I said, getting up. "C'mon. let's go back home." He said, helping me in the car. The ride home was silent, not an uncomfortable silence, is wasn't comfortable either. It was just silent. When we got home he helped me to get out of the car, and we walked up the front door, hand in hand. "I really had a good time to night." I said once we got to the door. "So did I." He said as he took my other hand in his. "I hope that we can do this again." He said. He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, when we pulled apart and put our foreheads together. We weren't talking or anything, just breathing. The he started to lean in, so I did too. The kiss wasn't a good as the first one still but It was still good. After a few seconds of kissing the porch light flickered. We pulled back and just stayed there for another second or two. The light flickered, yet again. "Typical boys. They are so impatient sometimes."I said. "Sometimes?! How bout all the time?" He said laughing. "C'mon let's go inside. I think that the girls would want to talk to you soon." He said, taking my hand in his and opening the door. As soon as we got inside the girls took me up to my bedroom. "So what'd you do?" Dani said, sitting on my bed. "We went out for a picnic on and watched the sunset. Then came back here." I said, walking into my closet to get out some pj's. "That's it!!"Dani exclaimed. "Yes, that's it." I said as I took my hair out. Well as Perrie took my hair out. "How was the kissing?" El asked. "It was good." "I WAS GOOD!!??" She exclaimed. "Yes. It was good. It wasn't as good as our first, but it was still good." I said, walking out of my room. "NO WAIT GET BACK HERE LITTLE MISSY!!" Perrie yelled. "What!" I yelled back. "You know what? Nothing." She said, running past me.



Here ya go. Hope you all like it. Gonna update TIMS soon. As in soon, i mean like prob tomorrow. Hope you like it. Tell me what you think.


Some conflict between Kiki and Austin. And a new song by Kiki.

Next update:

Next week probably. If not next weekend.

Early update:

Next wednesday. Need at least 780 readers or 50 votes and 10 comments, or 10 new followers.

Hope you llike it.






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