Fighting with Papa

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Chapter 8-Fighting with Papa-

~Kiki's Pov~

"Kiki, wake up." I heard Niall say. "What time?" I mumbled. "8:30." "Too early." I said flipping over. "C'mon Kiki. Everyones already up and you have to be gone by 9." "How do they get up so early?" "I don't know. It's a trait in the family, I guess. Now hurry up. I have monster for you." "What color?" I said opening my eyes, but not moving my head. "Blue" "Okay. I'm getting up." I said, getting up. "Out. Let me get changed" "Fine. Don't fall back to sleep. If your not out in five minutes, I'm having Austin come and check on you." He said behind the closed door. Shit. Austin will literally kill me because he is not one for letting me sleep in. That's why with him, I live on monster. I changed into a Hot pink bandeau with a black shear top, black yoga shorts and black flip flops. As you can see, I like the color black. No, I'm not goth or a punk, I wear a lot of black because I like to only have a few colors. When I was done I opened the door and saw a can of monster on the ground. I picked it up and opened it. I took a sip. I never had blue monster before, so I kinda didn't like the taste, but I could get used to it. "Hey Kiki. I see that I didn't have to come up and get you." Austin said as I walked in the room. "Nope" I said, popping the 'p'. "You ready to go Kiki?" Mom asked. "Yes I am. Leggo!" I said grabbing my black messenger bag. "Bye guys." I said to the boys as mom and I walked out the house. All of the guys were her today. They still had to pack, so just me, Austin, Alex, Louis, and Niall came here yesterday.

~Nialls POV~

"Bye guys." she said as her and mum walked out of the house. "So papa, what do you think of her?" Greg asked. "I like her. She looks just like you Niall. But she also has a lot of energy even waking up so early. Why did you give her monster?" "Umm... Well because she can't wake up before noon and not have one because.... ummmm...." I said. I really didn't want to bring up the whole 'seeing ghosts' thing yet with out mum. "Because what?" "She sees spirits." I whispered. "She see's what?" "She sees ghosts dad. That's why she need the energy drink, papa." I said out loud. "I thought that none of you would get that but I see that I am wrong." he said."What do you mean?!" "Niall, Greg your mother also sees spirits." Wait. What did he just say? "That can't be true. Mum can't see ghosts. She doesn't act like her. She's never tired, and always gets up early." I said. "It's true Niall. You mother was just like this when she was her age. Always living off of energy drinks. Always bitchy if you woke her up to early. Always passing out with out that necklace that she has around her neck.-" "What is up with the necklace anyway? Kiki passed out because of something in Liams room back at the house, and then I passed out too cause of it." I interjected. "Why did YOU pass out?" "I don't know." "Wait, what necklace was she wearing?" "The one that Niall gave her when she was just born." Austin said from behind me. "That was your mothers old necklace. Her family said that the first necklace that you give the person that can see things, that will be their little safe haven thing." "That's why she never let me touch it." Alex said, almost like he was answering one of his own questions. "Yes, she will be very protective over the necklace." "The only time that she let me touch it was when I had to get it and bring it to the hospital when she passed out because of the thing in Liams room." Alex said. "That's the same time that I passed out. I heard a kind a girly scream that came from upstairs, I asked them" I said, pointing to the boys, "and they didn't hear anything. Austin asked me what it was and where it came from. Then he ran up stairs to his room. And that's when I passed out." I said. I really didn't want to say that much but I don't really care. I'm getting the answers that Kiki asked me before that I couldn't answer. "You were the one that gave her the necklace so anything that happens to her now on will happen to you to. You might also start getting the feeling of being watched everywhere you go and start seeing things out of the corner of your eyes." "Wait what!! So, what your saying is that I'm gonna start seeing what she sees, and feel what she feels??!" I yelled at him. I really din't want that to happen, but I was 5 when I gave her the necklace so I really can't blame myself. I was told to give it to her so I did. "You were the one that told me to give it to her. So this is your fault." I yelled at papa. "I can't take it anymore with you. I was trying to be nice and have you meet your daughter. But you know what I can't even look at you. You knew that this was going to happen. You knew that Dallas would try to take another one of your children. And he did, and look where that got her. She was abused and raped. This is all your fault. It's your fault that she grew up that way, never knowing that the parents that she thought were her's weren't, and her real ones were half way around the globe thinking that she died. You let Greg and I think that she died, and when I told you know she was dead you grounded me for almost a whole year because I thought that my little sister was still alive." I yelled "This is all your fault and I HATE YOU FOR IT!!" I yelled at him. I stormed out of the house after that. I thought that I heard Greg and the boys calling after me, but I don't care.

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