Wait you're who?!?

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Chapter 11- Wait you're who?!?

~Niall's POV~

"Shit." She said, her eyes getting as big as the moon. "What's the matter Ki?" "I-I-I got to go. Be right back." She studded as she ran out of the room. I saw Alex and Austin exchange glances and then got up and ran after her. "Who were they?" My girlfriend Nicki asked as she came in and sat on my lap. "Just some of his sisters friends." Louis answered for me. "Oh! You found your sister?!?" She said as she was clapping her hands like Lux does when Harry watches her. "I can't wait to meet her. I know that she'll just love me." She said as most of the boys snorted. She sent them a very meaningful death glare to them. Just at that moment Alex walked in with Austin and Kiki in tow. "What are YOU doing here?" She asked kiki. "Wait you two know each other?" Liam asked, sounding as confused as I am. "Yeah. There was one point where after my 'mom' died that I had to live in an orphanage." She said, putting air quotes around the word mom. "And Nicki here was the queen bee. Always bullying me and everything. That is until she got adopted." "And what are you doing here, KANANI?" "I'm here because of my brother." Nicki snorted. "Brother. HA! You will NEVER be related to ANYONE in One Direction. You are just a little low life that just lied to get big and famous." I heard all the boys gasp. "I-is that true Kiki?" I asked. I saw her head turn to mine and our eyes met. I thought that I saw a flash of hurt go though her eyes. But it went away as soon as I saw it. "No. I-it's not. W-why would I-I-I lie to m-my own b-b-brother?" She asked through tears. "I don't know. To maybe get fame and forchion!" Nicki yelled at her. "W-why would I-I use m-my own b-b-b-brother?" "I don't know. Tell me Kanani. Were all those papers that you showed me real or not?" "T-t-they were real." She said. I hate her right now for lying to me. "You know what Kanani. I don't beleave you. You will NEVER be my sister." "I don't care. Because I hate you Niall James Horan. I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!!" She yelled at before she ran out of the room with tears in her eyes. "Niall can I talk to you for a second please?" Alex asked me after Austin ran after her. "Yeah sure." I said getting up, and showing him to my room. "What did you want to talk about?" "Kiki is real. I went with her to have that dna test taken, and to get the birthctifctie. And you did give her that necklace." Oh. "And Nicki, Your 'girlfriend'. Used to beat the crap out of Kiki for like 4 months strate in the orphanage. And for like 10 years in school. Your SISTER almost committed suicide. And she would have succeeded if it wasn't for Austin. She's not that sane if you ask me. But on top of this whole seeing ghosts thing, and has adhd, dyslexia, and depression. But she used to also cut so that's why she wears all those bracelets and why she doesn't show anyone her stomach." Oh my gosh. I can't beleave that she cuts. "Okay. Thanks. I'll be right back." I said walking out of the room. "Nicki, get out now. We are done." I said to her once I got back in the living room. "What?! Why!?" She asked. "Because you hurt my sister for over 10 years. And you made her cut and committed suicide." And with that I heard a bunch of gasps throughout the room. The only person that didn't gasp was Nicki. She had a smirk the size of russia on her lips. "That's soo sad...... that she didn't exceed. It would make the world a such a better place." "You know what would make the world a better place?" Austin said as he came in with Kiki fowling in after him. "What? Kanani dying? Because that is soo true. Like really. She is such a big bitch and a huge whore and is so ugly." "No. You dying. Kiki is not the bitch you are. She wouldn't even hurt a fly. You slept with more people then she has even talked to. And you wear so much effein make up that YOU look like a whore and a slut. Wait, that's cause you are." Austin said. Kiki looked at me, then at Nicki and hugged Austin from behind. Once he felt her arms on him he turned around and hugged her close to his body and kissed her on the top of her head. "You know what. I don't really care. I'm getting what I wanted anyway. So I don't really care." She said getting up from the floor. "Actually your not. I just called Uncle Si and he heard everything that you just said so. He doesn't even want you near us or our families. So, bye!" Liam said. "Oh, and he also said that anything that you had from us and him he's taking back." He said as she was walking out the door. "Kiki, I'm so sorry that I didn't even beleave my own sister. I understand if you still hate me, but please forgive me?" I asked. I saw as she hugged Austin tighter. He whispered something in her ear, she shook her head yess. And then ran out of the house.

~Kiki's POV~

So, after Nicki slammed the door, I started not feeling good. I was already hugging austin so I just hugged him tighter. "Kiki, I'm..." Was all I heard Niall say before I heard this really high pitched scream. I hugged onto Austin for dear life. "Kiki. Did you hear something?" I heard Austin say in my ear. I just shook my head yes. I knew that he would want me to show him where I think it came from, so I just ran out side. And what I saw almost made me throw up. There was a girl, no older than me, lying there on the ground with a rope around her neck. I look up and saw the same person that I saw in Liam's room, smirking at me. He wasn't that old, looked to be about 17-18. He had jet black hair, and eyes the color of honey. "This will be you soon. Don't worry." He said to me. "What's your name!?" I yelled back up at him, seeing as how he was in a tree and I was on the ground. "I don't have one." "Then what should I call you?" "Jacob, Jacob Wolf." and with that he vanished. "KIKI!" I heard Niall yell from behind me. "Who were you talking to?" "I was talking to Jacob Wolf." as I said his name, the girl sat up. "I'm McKenzie. But most people call me Mack" The girl said. "I'm Kiki." "I know who you are. I was coming to find you but he found me first. Wait. You can see and hear me?" She asked. "Yes. I can, but they can't. I also heard you scream.-" "Who are you talking to you now Ki?" I turned around so that I can see Niall. "McKenzie. But most people just call Mack." "Does she have a last name?" "No, I don't. Well I did but I don't remember it." She said. "She does, but she doesn't remember it." I repeated to him. "Why did you need to find me Mack?" I asked, turning back to her. "To protect you." "What! You look like my age." "I know. I' really much older than you." "Oh, okay. Want to go home with me and da boys?" "Sure!"



Hey hope you like the two new characters. You WILL learn more about them as the story goes on, like why Jacob is after Kiki and why Mack has to protect her and also how her family know's Mack. She is not just a random person.

Next Update:

Probably Monday





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