Truth or Dare, Sleepover, SOS?!?

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So this is the chapter that I wanted you guys to read so badly. hope you like it. Dedicated to mylifeis1D for letting me use Liana. A charter in her book Stolen. Go read it. Its really good. Alright now back to the story:


Chapter 14- Truth or Dare, Sleepover, SOS?!?-

Recap of last chapter:

"Don't worry Kiki. He's in there. C'mon." Mack said, pulling me along. Once I was in the room I didn't let go of Mack's hand until I saw Austin stand up and open his arms. As soon as he did that, I let go and ran to him. Once I put my head on his chest I just started crying. I felt him sit down and pull me on his lap, while saying things like, "Kiki, it's okay." or, "I got you L.A." or, "Baby girl, please don't cry." Yes there are some times where he calls me 'baby girl' because I am younger than him. Once I calmed down I heard Austin say, "She's Afraid of what's IN the dark, not OF the dark." I saw everyone nod their heads. All of a sudden Louis screamed at the top of his lungs, "LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!"

"Okay, lets invite the girls too." Mack said, giving me my phone. I must have dropped it. "Yes you did drop it." She said as I took it. "um.... okay. Let me text the girls while you guys go get the mattresses." I said, pulling up the messages. "Why do you get to do it?" Louis whined. "Because if she asks them to have a sleepover tonight. They will say yes 95% more than if you ask them to come over." Mack said. "Fine."Louis mumbled as he got up and walked out of the room. The only people who were in the room was me, Austin and Mack, if you count her as a person.

Da girlzzzz:

Heyyy girlzz. Want to have a sleepover tonight.


Y so sudden? Not that I'm complaining. ~D


Power outage.~K


kk k. b dere in 5~D


5 m~El

"They're both coming" I said once all the boys were back in the room. "When?" Zayn asked. "If your asking me is Perrie is coming, I don't know. I don't have her number, but Danny and El are coming right about........ Now." I said right as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Mack yelled as she walked to the door. All of a sudden we heard two high pitched screams. "McKenzie!! Oh my gosh. We thought that you died!!" I heard Danny say, or more or less yelled. "I did but I made a promise to Niall to protect his sister, so that's why I'm here now. C'mon we're all in the living room." She said walking into the living room. "Hey girls." I said. Getting up from my spot on Austin. I gave them each a hug, then sat back down on Austin. "So.... Anyone else coming?" El asked. "Perrie is. Oh and Kiki here's her number" Zayn said, handing me his phone so that I can copy the number. "Anyone else?" Danny asked this time. "Liana is also coming." Liam said, looking up from his phone. "Is that the girl that Liam was trying to be when he passed out on Zayn when that whole 'superman' joke started?" I asked. "Yes." Liam said, hanging his head down in shame. "She's also his twin sister." Danny said sitting next to Liam and side hugging him. I heard the doorbell ring again, and this time Zayn got up to get it. All of a sudden we heard a girly voice that I didn't know yell "ZAYN, PERRIE!! GET A ROOM ALREADY!!" We all busted out laughing. As soon as we all calmed down I saw this really pretty girl in the door was. She looked just like Liam just in girl form. "Kiki, this is my twin sister Liana. Liana this is Niall's little sister, Kiki." "Hi Kiki." "Alright, can we start playing already!?" Louis asked, kind of annoyed. "Yes, now that everyone is here we can start-" "YES! Alright Harry, truth or dare?" "Umm.. Truth." "Pussy. Is it true that you like-" He started before I interrupted him. "Wait, are we doing chicken coupe or no?" "Yes" "Alright back to the game. Harry is it true that you like Liana?" I thought that I heard him mumble "yes" but I'm not so sure. "What was that Harry?" I asked. "You have to speak up louder when you answer." "Fuck you Kiki." "You wish. Wait no you don't. You wish that you could -" "Kiki Sophia Horan! No using that language." "But you do." I whined. "Still no." I looked at him with the teary puppy dog eyes. "huff. Fine." "Yes. You wish that you could fuck Liana." I heard almost everyone in the room gasp. Harry and Liana both blushed like a fire truck. "L.A!" I heard Austin yell from behind me. "What!?! I just said what we were all thinking." I said, putting my hands up showing that I surrendered. "True." he said. "THANK YOU!!" "Indoor voice Kiki." "Fine" I huffed, crossing my arms. "Alright. Kiki," At my name my head shot up, "Truth or dare." "Dare." I said. What? I wanted to go crazy tonight. "Alright...... hmmmmm......" Crap, that's never good. All of a sudden everyone started laughing. "Did I just say that out loud?" I was answered with more laughing, and lot of head shakes and one 'yes babe' from Austin. "Whatever." I mumbled. "Alright. Kiki, I dare you to go into the downstairs bathroom and wait in there till someone comes in. Then you have to kiss them for 5 minutes. And no It's won't be your brother or one of the other girls." Fine." I huffed, crossing my arm after I got off of Austins lap. I got my phone from Mack, turned on the flashlight and walk to the bathroom. After about 5 minutes of reading on my phone I heard the door open, close, and lock. I looked up and all of a sudden I wish that I wasn't in here. Lucky for me, he didn't see my phone because I turned it off as soon as I heard the door open. I unlocked it, and texted Austin: SOS JACOB BACK NOW. I hit send and that's when the world went black.



Hey. Hope you like. Sorry left you on a cliff hanger. I kinda like doing/ reading them. Unless it's at the end of a book. But I might do that to do. *wink wink* But not such a big one.






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