2: I'm sure

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Trevor POV
"TREVOR HOWARD LAWRENCE JACKSON you better explain to me what the heck that tweet was about because you are not to make any important decisions without confirmation from me or your father!" My mother yelled still sitting on the couch. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to my dad. I scratched the back of my head and said, "Okay......so......the thing is........well what had happened was-" I was cut of my dad's deep voice, "Trevor if you don't finish your sentence your going to be in big trouble." I cleared my throat and said, "Alright, alright. It's just I'm tired of other people deciding my life for me. I have no control of who I am and what I do. I just can't take it anymore. I'm sorry mom and dad if I let you down but this is what I want with my life." Tears started to fall from my mom's eyes as she said, "I understand Trevor I just wish you told us before telling the whole world. But I really want you to think this through before you make it official. Just go to your room and think for a while and come back down when you have made your final decision." I mumbled under my breath, "There is nothing to think about." My dad must of heard me because he yelled, "Trevor stop talking back and go to your room." I just nodded my head and went up to my room. I jumped on my bed and laid there pretending to think about my decision which is already final. Being famous is fun but it gets so annoying. I can't stand it, I can't stand the people, the paparazzi, the rumors. The only reason I kept going was because of the fans......and the girls.

I was in my room playing basketball 2k16 when I heard my heavy footsteps come up the stairs. I'm pretty sure its my brother Trevor. I heard him slam his door shut. I don't know whats gotten into him lately. Something had to happen to make him want to quit being famous. I really want to ask him about his tweet. It's trending at #3 on Twitter and has over 1 million retweets. I'm kinda sad he doesn't want to be famous anymore though because we were going to make a couple of songs together and his fame helps grow my fame.

I walked into his room to see him laying in bed on his phone. I sat next to him and asked, "So what's up bro? Just yesterday you were so happy that you live such a privileged life and now you just wanna throw it away." He sucked his teeth, rolled his eyes and said, "Dude you don't understand I just want control of my life ya know. And I'm not just throwing it away I'm more like taking a break." He continued scrolling on his Instagram without making eye contact.
I nodded my head to show I understood and said, "So you wanna chill in my room so I can beat you at 2k16?" He looked up at me and laughed and said, "Yeah but you know I'm clearly going to be the winner."
We both laughed together as we walked back to my room. We sat on my bean bag chairs and played. I always thought I was pretty good at the game but Trevor just excels at everything. The score was 38 to 12. Trevor was beating me bad. He was about to win the game so I paused it. He sucked his teeth and put his hands up in frustration, "Dude what the heck was that for?"
I ran my hands through my thick hair trying to think of what to say without admitting that I didn't want to lose, "Ummmm......wellll.....Trevor is it a crime for a dude to want to talk to his brother?"
Trevor grabbed my remote and unpaused the game, "Yeah it is a crime when I'm beating your ass at basketball."
I rolled my eyes and said, "Bro lets just talk why do just want to end your career?"
Trevor threw the remote at me and growled under his breathe, "We already talked. Why are you all in my business? I made my decision and nothing you say can make me change my mind." He punched my bedroom door and stormed out of my room like a stupid brother I followed. "Trev are you sure about this?" He turned around to face me with his hands forming fits. Through gritted teeth he said, "I'm positive."

Trevor POV
"Trevor and Iyn come down for dinner," my father yelled from downstairs. Me and Iyn walked out of our rooms not saying a word to each other. I glared at him and Iyn tried his best to avoid my eye contact.

We walked downstairs and I sat in my seat at the dining table. I'm just going to eat my spaghetti then go back up to my room without talking or making eye contact with anyone. My mom ruined my plan by talking to me about our conversation from earlier, "Hey sweetie did you think about your decision?" I shoved a forkful of spaghetti in my mouth and rolled my eyes, "Mom there was nothing to think about my decision is final." Tears started to fill my mom's eyes again and she couldn't respond because she knew she would start crying so my dad talked for her, "Are you sure about this Trevor?" I got up from the table and threw my plate in the sink. I raised my voice louder than I expected, "Yeah dad I'm sure."

(AN: Tanks for reading💕)
Inspired by lovemecutie143

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