8: Confessions

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Trevor POV
It was the first time I saw her smile an actual smile it was adorable. I was still confused to why I couldn't go in her room. I also noticed that her mom didn't call her Christina at all since I've been here. There is a lot she isn't telling me and I'm pretty sure she won't tell me anytime soon. "Trevor what kind of phone do you have?" I was so surprised by her question. Maybe she wants my number. I nervously responded,
"My Samsung broke so now I have an IPhone. Why?"
"Just wondering because I have an iPhone and I don't know how to save pictures to the cloud." I scooted closer to her, "Do you want me to show you?"
"Sure whatever."
Christina POV
I gave Trevor my phone to show me how to save my pictures to the cloud because I'm getting a new phone and I want to keep all my pictures. I saw Trevor looking through my pictures. He looked up at me and said, "What happened to your dad he isn't in any of these pictures." Tears started to fill my eyes, "I don't want to talk about it can you please just save my pictures." Did I tell him to look through my pictures. So nosey all in my business. I gave him a simple task and his stupid self can't follow the easy directions. I hate talking about my father and I really can't wait for Trevor to leave my house.
Trevor POV
As I was saving her pictures I accidentally clicked the home button and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her screensaver on her home screen. It was a picture of me. I smirked looking at the picture. She glared at me and asked, "What are you so happy about?" I chuckled and said, "Oh nothing."
"Alright whatever Trevor."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did."
"What can I call you if I can't call you by your name."
She started to cry which scared me because I didn't know she was that sensitive.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry."
"Ugh No it's fine it's just my dad left my mom 3 years ago for a 20 year old. His name is Chris and since I was the first child I was named after him. And I can't stand him and whenever someone says my name it reminds me of him."
"So what can I call you?"
She wiped her tears, "Ummm nothing."
"How about Trina," I suggested.
"Why Trina?"
I laughed and said, "Because that's our ship name." She rolled her eyes and said, "We don't have a ship name because we will never be together."
"Come on Trina you can't lie and say your not a fan."
She started talking sounding very annoyed, "Trevor when will you get this through your head? I DON'T LIKE YOU!"
I laughed and said, "Then why am I your screensaver." She snatched the phone out of my hand and said, "Do you really think I did that. My friend Taryn probably did that as a joke."
"Okay sure."
"Your so full of yourself."
We finally started working on the project when her little sister came down stairs. "Sissy can you watch a movie with me?"
"Hope I'm busy right now."
"Pretty please with a cherry on top. We can watch your favorite movie." She laughed and said, "What's my favorite movie?" Her sister looked over at me and said, "Let it Shine." I started laughing, "Oh really? Ya know I happen to know someone in that movie oh wait I'm in that movie."
"First of all that is not my favorite movie I never even seen that movie. Trevor you wish you were in a movie no one would want to see you on big screen. And second of all Hope please go up stairs." I got up and put my stuff in my book bag, "It's fine I gotta get going any way see you in school Trina."
"Whatever bye Trevor." I walked home thinking about what I learned about Christina. I noticed that she never changed her screensaver. I'm glad she finally talked to me kind of. Even though I'm pretty sure she hates me I can't stop thinking about her which is really weird for me. There is just something about her that I have never seen in other girls. I just wish she didn't hate me.

(AN: Tanks for reading💕)
Inspired by lovemecutie143

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