5: Know your name

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Trevor POV
Finally lunch time.
I'm literally starving.
I've only had social studies with that girl.
It seems like she's been avoiding me because I haven't seen her since social studies.
When I walked into the cafeteria everyone wanted me to sit at there table. I ignored them I just tried to find that girl. I didn't even know her name so I couldn't ask anyone where she was. I walked in the lunch line while I was grabbing my roast beef and Mac n cheese a girl with blonde hair walked up to me. She was chewing gum and twirling her hair. "Hey Trevor,"she said biting her lip. I smirked at her and said, "What's up girl." She whipped her hair and said, "Do you wanna sit at my lunch table, by the way I'm Ashley." She put her hand on my chest and pouted her lip. I couldn't say no to her. "Sure!" I winked at her and she dragged me all the way to her lunch table. I sat down at the table and she sat down next me. And by next to me I mean more like on me. The other people at the table started winking so I pushed her off my lap.
We sat there awkwardly so Ashley introduced me to the other people at the table. "Okay so that's Shane, Rebecca, Stacey, Lucas, Chase, Demetri, Chloe, and everyone this is Trevor." Rebecca, and Stacey said at the same time, "OMG we know who you are. You're Trevor Jackson we love you!" I winked at them and said, "I love ya'll too." They started blushing and I laughed. Chloe was just staring at me. She seem mesmerized and shocked that I was sitting at her lunch table. Which I found so cute. I waved my hand in her face, "Hey Chloe." Her cheeks turned bright red and her jaw dropped, "I can't believe Trevor Jackson is actually talking to me." I smiled at her and said, "Believe it baby." Ashley hit me in the arm. Ouch. "Trevor can you please sing to me," Chloe asked still staring. "Of course." I winked at her and started singing.

"Can I sing to you? Can I sing for you? Can I?

The whole cafeteria heard me sing and everyone started clapping. There was only one person not clapping. The girl from social studies class. She was getting her lunch and then she sat down at her lunch table. I decided to go sit next her when I tried to get up Ashley sat me back down. When the girl walked passed the table to get napkins Ashley made me put my arm around her. The girl rolled her eyes at me. I tried to get up and walk over to her but Ashley sat me down again. "Ugh Ashley I ummm have to use the bathroom." She stood up and said, "Okay I'll go with you." I scratched the back of my head, "Uh nuh." She sat back down and crossed her arms. I got up quickly and walked over to the girl's table.

"How you doing?"
She turned around to face me, "What do you want Tyler?" I rolled my eyes and pointed to my name tag, "It's Trevor." She sighed and said, "Does it look like I care." I put my hand over my heart pretending to be hurt, "Come on girl why you got to be like that I just wanna know your name."
"I'm not tryna pressure you,
I'm just tryna get with you,
Tell me what you doing later
Maybe I can fall through
First I gotta know your name
Your na-" A girl at her table started singing my hit song 'Know Your Name' off key. She stopped when she realized everyone was staring. "Sorry that's Taryn she's a huge fan of whoever you are."
I smiled and said, "Gotta love the fans. Anyways since I told you my name so what's yours." She ran her fingers through her hair and said, "There is so many girls in this school why are you bothering me?" I smirked and said, "You're the only one worth bothering." Taryn chimed in and said, "Awwwww he's so sweet." She rolled her eyes and said, "Shut up Taryn. And Trevor don't you have a girlfriend to get back to." I turned back and looked at Ashley who was blowing me kisses, "Who Ashley? I don't like her. She's way to clingy!" She just sat there eating her Mac n cheese. She realized I was staring and looked at me and said, "Trevor if you didn't realize I don't care." I looked down at my feet, "Alright I'll leave you alone if you tell me your name." She rolled her eyes, "NO!" She raised her voice causing me to raise mine, "WHY NOT?" Her eyes started to fill with tears, "Because I don't like my name and I don't need a jerk like you making fun of me."
I rubbed her back, "I would never make fun of you." She moved my hand from her back and said, "You don't even know me." I winked at her and said, "I could get to know you." She got up from the lunch table and said, "Whatever Trevor since you wont leave me alone my name is Christina. Now stay away from me." She walked away leaving me speechless. Her name is Christina. She has a pretty name why would she think I would make fun of it? I'm just so happy she finally told me her name. Now that I know her name I don't know what to do next.

(AN: Tanks for reading💕)
Inspired by lovemecutie143

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