15: The Last Visit

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Christina POV
My mom thought it would be a good idea to visit Trevor today. I was lowkey excited because I haven't seen him in 3 days and I'm hoping he's made progress since the last time I seen him. The 36 minute car ride to the hospital felt like 36 hours. I couldn't wait to see Trevor. When we arrived I didn't talk to the lady at the front desk I just went straight  to Trevor's room. When I walked in he wasn't there.
He's gone.
I'm too late.
I fall on my knees and begin to cry. I'm going to miss him a lot. I treated him so wrong when he was here and now he is gone. "I miss you, maybe a little too much. I think of you maybe a little too often. But I can't help but miss you a little more every second of the day." I said to myself as I was crying my eyes out. I witnessed someone get shot and die all in one month.
"I miss you too," I heard a voice say. Am I  hearing things? I wipe my tears and try to hear the voice again. I turn around and look for where the voice came from but I didn't see anyone. I slowly left the hospital and went back to my car.
I saw a tall person leaning against my car. I wanted to yell at them so bad and tell them to move but i didn't have a voice. As I got closer the person started to look familiar. Soon I realized the person was Trevor. I ran to him (and I hate running) and jumped into his arms. He caught me and spun me around.
"Trevor OMG I thought you died."
He laughed and said, "No I lost a lot of blood and slipped into a coma but I woke up last night. I was released this morning. As I was about to leave I heard you in my room. So yeah that was my voice you heard. I thought you heard me so I ran out to your car to surprise you."
I playfully punched him in the arm, "Trevor why would you scare me like that?"
"Oww Trina why would you punch me I just got out the hospital?"
I hugged him and said, "Omg Trevor I'm sorry I forgot did I hurt you?"
He smiled and said, "I feel a lot better now."
He leaned in and tried to kiss me but I turned my head, "Trevor you can't kiss me. Your dating Ashley and we aren't together."
He rolled his eyes and said, "Alright! I'm breaking up with her tomorrow because I can't wait to have your lips on mine."
I playfully rolled my eyes.
We got in the car and I drove him home to see his parents who didn't know that Trevor was alive. Before he got out the car he kissed my cheek. Then he ran inside of his house.

Trevor POV
I couldn't wait to see my family. I ran to the front door and rung the doorbell. Shortly after Iyn opened the door. When he saw me his jaw dropped and his eyes started to water. He pulled me into a bro hug that lasted for a long time.
"Iyn who's at the door?" My mom asked from the kitchen.
Iyn grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen. When my mom saw me she dropped the pan that was in her hand and hugged me, "Baby your back I missed you so much."
"I missed you too mom."
"Okay Trevor lets go!"
"Where are we going mom?"
She smiled and said, "I almost lost you Trevor, you made me realize how short life is. We are going to go out and do all things you never got to do."
"Mom can we do that on Friday because I want to go school tomorrow."
"Okay Trevor whatever you want."
I hugged my mom and went upstairs to my room. The holes in the wall were fixed and my room was clean.
I laid down on my made bed and fell asleep.

"Trevor wake up," my mom said from in the hallway.
"Oh my god mom it's so early. I'm getting up in an hour."
She laughed and said, "Trina's here."
I jumped out of my bed, "Matter of fact I'm getting up right now."
I ran downstairs to see Christina sitting on the couch with her book bag.
"Hey Trina are you ready to go to school?"
She laughed and said, "Yeah I'm ready but you don't have pants on."
I looked down and cursed under my breath. "I'll be right back. Stay beautiful." I ran upstairs and got dress as quick as I could. "Trevor don't forget to brush your teeth."
"Okay mom!"
I heard Christina laughing downstairs.
I ran downstairs, "Alright let's go."
I grabbed her waist and tried to kiss her but she turned her face again, "I'm not kissing you with that yuck mouth. Boy you better go upstairs and brush your teeth like your momma said." I went upstairs and got my toothpaste and toothbrush and went back downstairs and brushed my teeth right in front of her face. As I was brushing some spit flew onto her shirt.
"Ewwww Trevor. Your so nasty."
"Sorry Trina."
"Your lucky your cute. But seriously go upstairs and finish getting ready."

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