13: Shots Fired

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Trevor POV
"Trevor are you going to the pep rally?" Lucas asked me as I was leaving school.
"Why is there a pep rally after school?"
He laughed and said, "It's not a school pep rally it's more like an after party from Saturday. Someone got permission for the principal to have a rally afterschool today."
"Sounds dope I'll go."
Lucas and I walked into the gym. Almost the whole school was there dancing to music. As I was searching for Ashley I bumped into Jacob. "I'm glad you came Trevor."
"So everyone can witness me kill you."
"What the hell is wrong with you. Your a freaking psycho. Now get out my way I need to find Ashley."
He grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "Ashley doesn't want you." As I tried to get away the lights went out.


2 shots fired. The sound of the bullet leaving the gun was the last thing I remember before it all went black.

I woke up on a hospital bed. I had a huge pain in my back and many tubes connecting me to monitors. "What happened?"
"Doctor hurry he's awake."
I couldn't recognize the voice. Soon many people were in this room. I tried hard to open my eyes and I recognized Christina and I think she was the voice I heard earlier. I saw my mom, dad, Iyn, Delante, and 2 doctors. "How long have I been sleep." Christina answered, "8 days. We thought you weren't going to wake up." Tears started to fill her eyes. The doctor said, "This young lady hasn't left the hospital since you checked in." I looked over at her and she was covering her face with her hands. "We'll leave you two alone," my mom said. Soon everyone was gone leaving me and Christina alone. "Trina what happened?"
"Last week at the pep rally the lights went out and you were shot. And please don't be mad at me but I put you in your car and I drove you to the hospital."
"Who shot me?"
"No one knows but it wasn't an accident."
"So you stayed with me in the hospital for 8 days."
Tears started to fill my eyes, "Why? I thought you didn't care about me."
She walked over to me and put her hand on my cheek, "Is that what you think Trevor?"
"Well you kind of make it obvious that you hate me."
She smiled and said, "I don't hate you and you don't know how happy I am that your alive."
I smiled and asked, "Did Ashley visit me."
"Sorry Trevor but she hasn't been to the hospital since you checked in."
"Oh I guess she doesn't love me as much as she says she does."
She smiled and said, "Ashley doesn't matter Trevor because................I love you." I smiled and before I could respond to what she said Chase walked in. "I knew it you do love him." She walked away from my hospital bed and walked towards Chase. "Wait Chase it's not what it sounds like."
"No it sounds like I came to see my friend in the hospital and I find out that my girlfriend is in love with my best friend."
"Chase bro you don't understand," I said.
Christina walked over to Chase and said, "Look Chase don't be like that. Your my boyfriend and I don't love him like that I just didn't want him to die."
"Whatever your lucky I love you Tiny. So who do you think shot you Trevor?"
"I think it was Jacob but I don't know for sure."
Chase started shaking and sweating, "I have to go dude see you later. Bye Tiny."
When he left Christina walked back towards me, "That was weird I really hope he doesn't break up with me."
"Who would break up with you?"
She smiled at me and I smiled back. "Trina I love you, and I've wanted to be with you since my first day of school and I never understood why you hated me so much."
"Trevor I never hated you."
"Trina don't lie you've told me numerous times that you didn't like me and when I'm almost dead you decide to tell me you love me. And your dating Chase. Do you just love to play with my emotions?"
At this point I was crying. I tried to wipe away the tears but more kept coming. I was about to ask her to leave because I didn't want her to see me cry but before I could say anything she leaned down and pressed her lips on mine.

Christina POV
"Omg I didn't mean to kiss you. Trevor I'm so sorry I didn't know I made you feel that way. Your really sweet and these8 days I went not knowing if you were going to live made me feel so bad for being so rude to you. Apart of me felt like I was the reason you were in here. It's just I couldn't stand you. It was just something about you that frustrated me to say the least but I do love you."
"I love you too Trina!"
I smiled and said, "I think I'm going to break up with Chase."
"Because I love someone else and it wouldn't be fair to him."
He laughed and said, "Who is this someone else that you love."
"Shut up Trevor you know it's you."
He smiled and I smiled back, "But Trevor I need you to promise me something."
"I promise."
I laughed and said, "I didn't even tell you what your promising yet."
He laughed and said, "Whatever it is I promise."
I sat down on the edge of his hospital bed, "Will you break up with Ash-"
Before I could finish my sentence he said, "Yes! I can definitely do that." I started laughing, "I thought you liked her."
"Don't get me wrong she is hot but she's really clingy plus she was with Shane and Lucas while I was dating her and Jacob wants to kill me because I'm dating her."
"Well I guess it's settled. So I missed a whole week of school and I promised my mom I'd be at school tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't stay with you."
He tried to lift himself up, "I feel better anyway I think I'm ready to leave this hospital." He tried to get up and he was struggling. I could tell it was really painful for him to sit up. "Trevor lay down. I'll still come see you everyday and I'll bring you your homework. Oh and don't worry about our science project it's already done."
He started to play with his thumbs as he said, "I feel bad that I didn't really help."
"You have an excuse you were shot."
We laughed together for a while before I said, "You probably want to talk to your family so I'm gonna head out."
"Bye Trina I love you."
"Bye Trevor feel better soon."
It felt weird telling a boy that I love him after swearing up and down that I hated him. This was too soon. I think it was overwhelming for me to witness a shooting and take someone to the hospital so i told him I loved him for comforting. But I don't really know.
Trevor POV
Christina left my room. When she left first Delante came in. "Trevor I'm so sorry this happened to you. We are working hard to find this punk and throw him or her in jail."
"Thanks Delante."
"Trevor feel better soon I have to go to the studio but when you leave the hospital I want you to stop by the office."
"Yes sir."
He left my room and then my mom and dad came in. My mom's eyes were filled with tears. Her face was red and she had bags under her eyes as if she hadn't slept since I've been in the hospital. "Trevor baby I love you so much! Don't ever scare me like that again. I thought I lost my baby boy. I wouldn't be able to live without you Trevvy. I can't stand to see you like this. Whoever did this to you will pay."
"I love you too mom."
My mom started to cry again so my dad walked her out in the hall. My dad came back in with Iyn. "How do you feel Trevor," my brother asked still in shock. "I'm fine I'm just in a lot of pain."
"Trevor we are going to go home we will be back tomorrow morning get some rest son," my dad said.
"Alright dad. Goodbye see you tomorrow."

After my family left I fell asleep. I still can't believe that I was actually shot. I can't believe someone would do this to me. I think it was Jacob. But he was right next to me and I would have seen him if he had a gun. But it also could of been Shane. Shane might have started catching feelings for Ashley so he decided to kill me to get me out of the way. Or it could of been Lucas. Lucas could of set me up and brought me to the school gym. I don't know who else it could be but it hurts me to think that someone hates me so much that they would attempt to end my life.

(Authors Note: This is so sad Trevvy is in the hospital. Who do you think shot him? Was it Jacob, Shane, Lucas, or someone else. So Christina is going to break up with Chase because she finally realizes she has feelings for Trevor. Do you think they will get together when Trevor gets out the hospital? Tell me in the comments.)
Inspired by lovemecutie143

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