28: Best Friends

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Christina POV
I had no where to go so I decided to go to school to find Taryn and ask if I could go home with her. I had to walk because my keys were inside the house. When I got there I ran to the cafeteria. Thankfully they were still serving breakfast. I had pancakes, a biscuit, a pop tart and orange juice. When I finished I thanked the lunch lady and started to walk to my locker. I saw Chase down the hall so I hid behind Layla who was walking in front of me. Chase saw me. He ran over to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Layla. "What the heck are you doing? Why aren't you in the closet?"
"I got out, you psycho."
At this point everyone in the hallway was watching us. Chase had a grip on my wrist tighter than the handcuffs. I struggled to get out of his reach. As I was resisting Chase slapped me across the face. Harder than he ever slapped me before. My cheek was red and burned. Tears fell from eyes.

Trevor POV
I was walking down the hallway with Dylan and Camilla. Camilla had her arms around me and I had my arm over her shoulder. Dylan was talking about the game last night and Camilla and I were pretending to listen. As we were walking I saw Chase grab Christina and slap her in the face. "Hey guys I'll see later I have to do something."
Dylan nodded his head and replied, "That's cool bye Trevor see you at lunch."
Camilla smiled, "Bye Trevor."
I walked, more like ran down the hallway. I grabbed the back of Chase's shirt and pulled him away from her. I punched him in the eye leaving a black mark. "Don't......Ever......Touch.......Her.......
Again." I said to him in between punches. I let go of his shirt and he fell onto the floor. I started walking over to Christina. Chase kicked me in the legs causing me to fall on the ground. Chase got up and started to kick me in the stomach, in the chest, and in the face. Blood spoiled my clothes and I held back my tears.
"CHASE STOP!!!" Christina yelled. I finally built up enough strength to stand up. I got up and grabbed Chase by the neck and slammed him into a locker. I slapped his cheek harder than he hit Christina. His face turned red and tears started to fall from his face. Christina was also crying, "Trevor please stop." Christina walked over to me and got in between me and Chase. "Please don't do it." I pushed her out of the way with my other hand, "Christina get out of the way I don't want you to get hurt."
She screamed, "Trevor I already am hurt."
I let go of Chase's shirt and said, "We'll finish this later." He stood up and started walking the opposite away I pushed him back and said, "Don't ever touch her again." I walked over to Christina and picked her up bridal style. I carried her to the bathroom. I opened the door and yelled, "If there is any girls in here, GET OUT!" A group of girls walked out of the bathroom whispering, "What is a boy doing in there." I walked in and sat Christina down on the counter. She crossed her arms.
"Christina are you okay?"
"Trevor I'm fine but your bleeding." She grabbed a paper towel and wet it. She handed it to me. "Your not going to wipe it off for me." She rolled her eyes and said, "Boy you got hands, use them." I wiped the blood off my face and clothes.
"Trina I missed you."
She shrugged her shoulders and said, "Okay."
"Come on Trina, why you gotta be like that?" She rolled her eyes, "No Trevor why did you have to be like that?" I reached over to grab her hand but she moved it away, "Look Trina, I'm sorry. I was a jerk but you have to understand it was hard for me to here that you and Chase.......did it." She rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth, "Trevor I don't even remember it. I was drunk, I probably was raped. You weren't even there for me, you couldn't even listen to me to hear the whole story." I opened my arms to hug her, "Trina I'm truly sorry, and I'm willing to listen now." She pushed my arms away and started to talk with her hands, "Oh my God Trevor you are always sorry." I grabbed her hand, "Trina I love you and I'm sorry but I really want us to be together." She moved hair out of her face and replied, "Trevor there is no us and we can't be together." I stared at the floor for a while and swallowed hard, "Why not?" She started to look really angry and she started talking with her hands again,
"Trevor did you really just ask Why not? Trevor its pretty obvious why. Why would I be with you after all this. You were too selfish and too stupid to save me from a psycho that kidnapped me and locked me in a closet. You were such a jerk you couldn't forgive me for something I had no control over after the fact that I forgave you for killing my father. Talking about you love me and you care about me. Boy please! When you actually got the chance to show me how much you love me you blew it and now your going to ask why we can't be together." 
Tears started to fill my eyes and my heart felt like it was about to burst. "Trina I'll do better I promise, please I love you." She hopped off the sink and smiled, "Trevor I love you too but we cant be together. We're just too different." I stared at the ground, swallowed hard, and said, "I thought you liked different." She put her hand on my cheek, "I did, but not that much." She walked  out leaving me alone and speechless in the girl's bathroom. A girl came in and screamed at the sight of me, "Ewwww what's a boy doing in here?" I covered my face with my hands and ran out the bathroom. I left out the bathroom and found Camilla talking to Stacey by the water fountain. When she saw me she walked over to me and said, "Hey Trevor where were you and why do you look you were crying." I sighed and said, "Camilla you're a really sweet-" She cut me off, "Trevor stop. I know where this is going. Your breaking up with me. Its about Christina isn't it?" I silently shook my head yes. She hugged me and smiled, "Trevor it's okay. I already knew you loved her I was just waiting for you to admit it to yourself. Can we stay friends though?" I hugged her again and replied, "Definitely, you and Dylan are like my best friends." She smiled and I asked, "Do you want to hang out after school?" She smiled and said, "Yeah, are you going to try to get Christina?" I stared at the floor, "She doesn't want to be together." She put her hand under my chin and lifted my face. She smirked and said, "I can help you get her." I smiled and asked, "You would really do that?" She winked and said, "Of course anything for you best friend." I laughed and said, "Okay lets make a plan after school."

(Authors note: Are Christina and Trevor done for good? Are you happy Trevor and Camilla stayed friends? What gonna happen with Chase?)
Inspired by lovemecutie143

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