4: Confused

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Trevor POV
When the bus arrived at the school. No one got off the bus and everyone was staring at me. I looked at Shane who just shrugged his shoulders. I didn't know what to do and it was really awkward so I stood up and started walking down the isle. Everyone was watching my every move. I got off the bus worriedly and walked into the school shortly after everyone started to get off the bus. I found my locker and as I was struggling to get it open 12 girls ran up to me asking for pictures and autographs. Soon the hallway was packed with people surrounding me wanting me to sign things and take pictures. The whole school was probably by my locker but I only noticed one girl. She acted as if I wasn't there which really frustrated me. She went to her locker got her stuff and went off to class. She didn't even try to see what all the commotion was about. Something about her caught my attention. She acted as if I didn't exist. Doesn't she know who I am?
Finally everyone moved away from my locker and went to class. I finally got my locker open and went to my first period.
Social studies.
Of course I was late. I walked into the class and found the girl from the hallway sitting at table by herself. I sat next her as quietly as I could so the teacher couldn't hear me. But just my luck he turned around and said,"Well who do we have here Mr. Jackson finally decided to show up to class." I sighed and sat down next to the girl. After the teacher said my name I was sure it would click in her mind who I am, but she didn't say a word to me or even look at me. Unlike everyone else in the class who was staring at me and whispering to each other. At the end of class she got up and left without even glancing over at me. I got up and followed her to her locker.
She finally turned and looked at me when she realized I had followed her, "Can I help you?" I smirked while looking her up and down and said,"Yes you can." She rolled her eyes and said,"What do you want?" I put my hand over my heart pretending I was hurt, "Dang girl what's your deal? Don't you know who I am?" She flipped her hair and rolled her eyes again,"Well by reading your name tag I'm guessing your name is Trevor. By the way NEWS FLASH: this isn't kindergarten you don't need a name tag." I looked down at my feet kind of embarrassed, "Well I kind of haven't been in school since I was 4 and in pre school we wore name tags." She rolled her eyes and said, "Well you obviously don't need a name tag every body here already seems to know who you are." I scratched the back of my head and asked, "How come the one person I want to know my name doesn't seem to know who I am." She got her books out of her locker and said, "I bet whoever that person is knows who you are but just isn't crazy about you." I bit my lip and asked, "What is that supposed to mean?" She sighed and said, "Figure it out." I smiled at her and said, "Your different from other girls" She winked and said, "Because I'm not other girls." She started walking away and I called after her, "Wait what's your name?" She turned back and said, "Bye Trevor."

This girl literally has me in my feelings I don't even know her name and I can't stop thinking about her. It annoys me that she doesn't know who I am. I could literally have any girl in this school but my eyes are only her. I'm going through so many emotions right now and I don't understand any of them. Usually my feelings were decided for me. My record label chose who I dated and who i hung out with. These feelings are so different and new to me. Is this what it's like to be an ordinary teenager because it's almost as stressful as being a celebrity.

(AN: Tanks for reading💕)
Inspired by lovemecutie143
^^^you have to read her My Bully series

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