21: Accidents

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Christina POV
It's been a week since my dad died. My mother and I have to go to court because of the accident. After court we have to go to his funeral.
When I woke up in the morning I felt depressed. I didn't want to go to court and see the punk that killed my father. Even if it was an accident. I also don't want to go to his funeral because most likely his girlfriend will be there.

I put on a long black dress, with black earrings and necklace. I walked downstairs and saw my mom and sister already dressed. "Sweetie you look beautiful are you ready to go?"
I nodded my head yes and we all walked out to the car.

We arrived at the court and the defendant wasn't there yet. My sister and I sat in the witness stand.

Soon Trevor walked in. He seemed surprised to see me. I stood up and walked over to him. "Trevor what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?" He asked avoiding my question.
"Trevor how did you know I was here? You don't need to be here?"
He looked down at the floor avoiding my eye contact, "I didn't know you were here and I do need to be here."
I rolled my eyes and tried hard not to raise my voice, "Trevor if you don't tell me what the heck your doing here."
He scratched the back of his head and replied, "I got into accident last week when I was on my way to your house."
Tears started to sting the back of my eyes and my jaw dropped. "Trevor it was you!"
He started to look confused, "What was me?"
I started to cry and my heart was beating out of my chest. "Trevor you killed my father."
"Trina I'm so sorry," he said trying to hug me. I slapped his arms away. "Trevor get away from me."
His eyes started to water, "Trina I was driving to your house so I could talk to you and your dad wasn't paying attention to the road. Our cars collided and his flipped over. I had no idea he was your dad. He didn't survive the accident but my car is totaled."
I turned away from him and sat down in my chair.
"Tiny what's Trevor doing here?" My sister asked me.
"Trevor's car is the car that hit daddy's car."
She frowned and asked, "Did Trevor kill daddy?"
I shook my head yes and tried to fight back my tears.

When court ended Trevor was declared not guilty but he has to pay a huge fine. When we left the courtroom my mom took me and my sister to the funeral.

The funeral was really sad and it sucked because I had to sit next to my dad's girlfriend. She looked my age. She's only 3 years older than me and my dad was in his 40's. She kept trying to make small talk with me but I just ignored her. I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact my 'boyfriend' killed my father.

After the funeral we went home and I went straight to my room. I turned my phone on and I had 12 text messages from Trevor.
Trevvy💏- baby I'm sorry
Trevvy💏- plz talk to me
Trevvy💏- I swear it wasn't on purpose
Trevvy💏- Trina I love u
Trevvy💏- call me plz
Trevvy💏- u don't no how bad I feel
Trevvy💏- can I plz c u???
Trevvy💏- r u ok???
Trevvy💏- God I'm in love with you
Trevvy💏- so in love with you
Trevvy💏- I wish I wasn't so screwed up so I could love you right
Trevvy💏- if u want me out of ur life I'll go but please let me hear ur voice one more time.

I started to feel bad so I texted back.

Trina😘- Trevor I don't want u out of my life
Trevvy💏- Trina, heyyyy plz talk to me
Trina😘- what am I supposed to say
Trevvy💏- say that u forgive me
Trina😘- Trevor u killed my father
Trevvy💏- and I'm sorry
Trina😘- remember what I told u
Trina😘- I told u to stop apologizing for stupid stuff because when U do something that ur actually sorry for ur apology will mean nothing
Trevor👿-but I truly am sorry
Trina💔- sorry doesn't bring my dad back
Trevor👿- Trina I'm sorry
Trina💔- plz don't call me Trina
Trina💔- I think we should take a break
Trevor👿- Trina I can't live without u
Trina💔- u lived without me for 18 years

Trevor never texted me back so I went to sleep.

I woke up the next day feeling terrible. I went downstairs to get breakfast. I didn't have the energy to eat.
I saw a bottle of alcohol on the counter.
I grabbed it and read the label. It said it was suggested for ages 25 and up. I shouldn't of done it. I wasn't thinking. I took the bottle and opened it. I drunk it. The liquid burned going down my throat. It was painful but took my pain away. I drunk the whole bottle. I started to feel dizzy.

After drinking I felt better. I saw the world differently. My hands seemed to have a mind of there own. My head was somewhere else.
I grabbed my phone and made a phone call.
***Phone Conversation***
Christina- How you doing handsome. Do you want to come over.
#####- Christina???
Christina- you know it baby. I'm lonely do you wanna come over. No one is home.
#####- I can't say no to that. I'll be over in a few
Christina- can't wait!

When I got off the phone I couldn't stop laughing. I searched the cabinets for another bottle but I couldn't find one.
"Hey cabinet, I know you're hiding something from me," I said to the cabinet as I laughed.
I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door and opened it allowing him to come in.
"Hey Christina is there a specific reason why you wanted me here?"
I laughed and said, "Boy don't you know everyone calls me Tiny."
He smiled and said, "So what do you want to do?"
"Let's dance on the roof," I said laughing.
He grabbed my arm and sat me down on the couch, "Christina are you drunk?"
He smirked and started to kiss me.

Inspired by lovemecutie143

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