24: Lies

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Chase POV
I went downtown to meet her. When I got there no one was there. I sat on the cold wet ground in the alley and waited. 10 minutes later she came with someone else with her. "Sorry to keep you waiting baby," Ashley said with her hands on her hip. "Its all good," I said staring at the person next to her who didn't say a word. "Chase did you bring the gun?" Asked Ashley who was chewing her gum loudly. I shook my head no. Ashley rolled her eyes and said, "Its not my gun, its hers. Her dad is a cop and he'll get fired if he doesn't have that gun." I stared at the girl and asked, "Who is she?" The mysterious girl took off her hood revealing Laura. Christina's best friend!

I talked to them for a while and convinced them to let me keep the gun for another week.

Laura POV
I hate keeping secrets from Taryn. Especially a secret this big. I'm helping Ashley and Chase kill her boyfriend. I only agreed to help Ashley to get back at Christina. I never actually liked her. We weren't really friends more like frenemies in my opinion. At first Taryn and I were best friends then Christina came and stole my best friend away from me. When Ashley texted me and said her and Chase were planning on getting rid of Trevor i thought it would be a great way to get back at Christina. But now that Taryn is dating Trevor i can't go through with this anymore. I actually never understood why Chase and Ashley wanted to get rid of Trevor. When I asked Ashley why she wanted Trevor gone she said, "If I can't have Trevor no one can." That kind of confused me because the whole time that she was dating Trevor she was sneaking around with Chase and a bunch of other guys. When I asked Chase why he wanted Trevor dead he said, "Christina is mine and i don't want anyone taking her away from me. Especially Trevor." Honestly I think Chase is crazy because while he was dating Christina he cheated on her with Ashley. Even though I dont like Christina i still want to be a good friend to Taryn.

Laura💅🏽- Hi Taryn
Taryn👑- Whats wrong
Laura💅🏽- what makes you think something is wrong
Taryn👑- wen we txt u never call me by my name u usually say bestie. and since wen do u text hi u usually txt heyyyyyy
Laura💅🏽- i have to tell you something but plz dont hate me
Taryn👑- gurl i love u i could never hate u
Laura💅🏽- its about Trevor
Taryn👑- I love Trevor! Tell me
Laura💅🏽- Chase is the one that shot him
Taryn👑- I know
Laura💅🏽- He was working with Ashley
Taryn👑- OMG really? y would i hate u tho?
Laura🔫- i gave him the gun

Taryn POV
I ran all the way to Trevor's house. Tears streaming my face. My eyes were red and puffy and my heart was racing 1000 miles a minute. I fell on the ground and tried to catch my breath. I was 2 minutes away from his house. I got up and started to speed walk to Trevor's house. When I finally got there, I saw no cars in the driveway. I walked to the front door and knocked as hard as I could. 3 minutes later Trevor opened the door. He was shirtless and looked like he was in bed all day. I'm not going to lie he looked hot. "Hey baby what's up," he said as he yawned.
"I know something and your the only one I can tell and I really need to tell someone."
He grabbed my hand and helped me into the house. He closed the door behind me and we both sat on the couch. "Okay tell me baby girl I'm all ears."
I smiled and said, "Chase is the one that shot you."
He laughed sarcastically and said, "Babe I know I'm the one who told you that."
I started to play with my hair, "He was working with Ashley."
His jaw dropped and confusion covered his face, "Why would Ashley want me dead?"
"I don't know for sure probably because you broke up with her."
He scratched the back of his head and asked, "Is that it? Because your crying ma and I hate seeing my girl cry."
"My best friend, Laura, is the one that gave him the gun."
He quickly pulled me into a hug. I laid my head on his chest and started to cry.

Christina POV
When I got home I called Jacob. He didn't answer so I texted him.

Christina😬- Jacob are u lying to me
Jacob😭- what, no hello
Christina😬- whatever Jacob hello now answer my question
Jacob😭- I don't no the answer could u b more specific
Christina😬- did u lie to me today when u told me Trevor paid u to stay away from me
Jacob😭- I don't remember but my girlfriend is here so I can't text for long
Christina😬- who's ur girlfriend?
Jacob😭- Ashley😏
Christina😬- oh
Jacob😭- don't b sad babe I had to move on
Christina😬- can u just tell me who paid u
Jacob😭- I'll tell u if u stop texting me
Christina😬- I dont want to text u anyway now tell me
Jacob😭- it was Chase

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