12: The Party

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Trevor POV
"Mom, Dad, Iyn I never got to tell you guys how grateful I am for that car."
My mom smiled and said,"You should be thanking Delante he paid for most of it."
"I bet you could thank him by stopping by his office because he really wants to see you," my dad said.
"I guess your right dad I'll go before the party."
My mom interrupted, "What party?"
I forgot to ask if I was allowed to go.
"Ummm my friend Chase is having a party tonight."
My mom laughed and said, "Okay Trevor. I trust you to make good decisions. But before you go anywhere I need you to clean your room and then go to Delante's office."
"Thanks mom I love you."
I kissed her cheek and went upstairs to clean my room. Before I started cleaning I decided to text Chase, and Ashley.
Trevor- Hey Chase I'm definitely gonna b at the party but I gotta make a stop first
Chase- that's all good party starts at 8 and ends whenever you decide to leave
Trevor- sounds lit see you there

After I texted Chase I started to text Ashley.
Trevor- Hey Ash
Ashley- Hey baby
Trevor- I'll pick you up to go to the party at 9 I have to make a stop first
Ashley- can I go
Trevor- sorry Ash, see you at 9
Ashley- ugh okay Trevvy

I started to make my bed when I got another text. It was from Christina.

Christina- Hey Trevor can you drive me to Chase's party because my car broke down and Chase cant get me because he has to stay at the party
Trevor- how did you get my number
Christina- Chase gave it to me
Trevor- ok
Christina- so can you please come get me
Trevor- why don't you ask Taryn or Laura
Christina- because they r already on their way there. Trevor can u please come get me
Trevor- alright fine. Where are you?

I never finished cleaning my room and I quickly ran downstairs. I couldn't just leave Christina standing outside waiting. So I had to get her before I went to Delante's office. I get in my black Ferrari. That still has that new car smell. And I drive towards the address Christina gave me. As I get closer I realize Ashley is not going to like me picking up another girl before her. Too late now. I found Christina standing by her car with a beautiful short pink dress. I couldn't help but stare at her.
"Do you want me to call a tow truck to get you car?"
"That would be great. Thanks so much for picking me up Trevor."
"No problem Trina."
She laughed and said, "You know everyone else calls me Tiny."
I smile and say, "I know but I like Trina much better."
We get in the car. I sit in the drivers seat and she sat in the back.
"What are you doing?"
She laughed and said, "Fastening my seat belt."
"I mean what are you doing sitting back there, your sitting in the passenger seat."
She laughed and said, "Are you serious."
I shook my head yes and she got out the car and sat in the passenger seat.
"Happy now?" She asked sarcastically.
I looked down at her dress and said, "Very."
We both laughed as I continued to drive to Delante's office.
"Trevor I think you missed the turn. Chase's house is the other way."
"Trina we are going to be a little late to the party because I have to stop at my manager's office."
She frowned and said, "I can't be late to my own boyfriend's party."
"Then get out and walk."
"Whatever Trevor just hurry up."
As we arrived at Delante's office I got out the car and she did too.
"What are you doing?"
She laughed and said, "I'm getting out the car."
"I want to go inside his office too."
"Alright whatever."
We walked towards his office. She looked cold. So I took off my hoodie and wrapped it around her arms. Leaving me in just a short sleeved t shirt. I put my arm around her and we walked towards the office.
"Trevor you didn't have to do that."
"I know but I wanted to."
"But Trevor aren't you cold now."
I looked down at the ground, "It doesn't matter how I feel."
I knocked on Delante's door.
"Come in."
Me and Christina walked in together.
"Trevor it's nice to see you. How's school treating you."
He looked over at Christina who was still in my arms, "Is this you girlfriend?"
Christina moved away from me and I whispered under my breath, "I wish."
"Have a seat Trevor."
I sat down and Delante started searching through papers. "Trevor so I'm working on getting you out of the contract I just need you to sign these papers."
I signed all the paper as quickly as I could, "Is that it?"
"Yup thanks for stopping by Trevor it was nice seeing you."
"Before I forget thank you so much for the car Delante."
"No need to thank me Trevor you deserve it."
I hugged Delante and then I left his office with Christina. As we were walking to the car I got a text from Ashley.
Ashley- Trevvy where are u
Trevor- sorry I'm on my way now

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