19: What are we?

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Trevor POV
"My baby is finally out the hospital," I said to Trina as we walked to my car.
"Trevor I'm not your baby."
I laughed and said, "But you are bi polar."
She playfully punched me in the arm. "I'm not falling for you anymore. Last time we were in this situation you told me you loved me and that you were going to break up with Ashley." I stared at the ground and said, "I thought you said you were over that."
She rolled her eyes, "I am over it."
We got into my car. "Trevor, I'm driving." I handed her the keys and she got into the drivers seat. "Do you wanna go to school?" Christina asked. "Not really."
She started to whine, "Come on Trev please."
I rolled my eyes, "Girl why do you want to go to school so bad?"
"Honestly I just don't want to go home," she said looking sad.
I smile and lean over and put my lips to her ear, "You can stay with me."
"To be honest Trevor, I want to go to school so you can break up with Ashley."
I laughed, "Girl why didn't you just say so. I can break up with her right now."
I pull out my phone and start to text Ashley.
Trevvy💏- Ashley I'm sorry babe but we're done
I showed Christina my phone and she rolled her eyes at the text. "Did you have to call her babe."
"Trina I swear you're the most confusing girl I ever meant," I said frustrated.
She pouted her lip, "I thought you liked that about me."
I scratched the back of my head, "Well I don't like that about you......"
Her jaw dropped and she looked disappointed.
"I don't like that about you, I love that about you."
She started to blush and I kissed her pink cheek.
My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Ash👰🏼- Trevvy why are you breaking up with me, you promised you would never leave me.

I showed Christina my phone and she rolled her eyes, "You make a lot of promises you can't keep."

I didn't know what to say back to Christina. She's obviously still isn't over me kissing Ashley. I replied to Ashley's text.

Trevvy💏- Sorry Ashley but it's not working for me and I already know that you cheated on me
Ash😑- Trevvy I love you and if you stay with me I can give you everything you ever wanted
Trevvy💏- sorry but I've already found someone who can give me what I want

"Awwwwww," Christina said reading my texts.
"You're so nosey. Girl why are you reading my texts," I said sarcastically.
She smiled and sang, "Because you love me."

When we arrived at school Christina parked the car. When I got out the car, Ashley ran up to me.
"Trevor is she the reason why you're dumping me?"
I put my arm around Christina, "Sorry Ash."
"Trevor no one breaks up with me," she stated stomping her feet.
"Sorry Ashley but I just did."
She crossed her arms, "Trev baby I love you."
"Ashley you don't love someone who you cheat on or plan to cheat on. Keep the 'I love you' out of your mouth and save it for someone who cares," I said a little angrier than I expected.
Christina and I walked away from her and entered the school building. Christina turned back and said, "Bye Ashley."
I laughed at her and we walked to Christina's locker. As we walked we bumped into Chase.
"What up Trev."
I wanted to punch him because I couldn't stand the sound of his voice. Christina held me back.
Chase shook his head and asked, "Tiny is he why you left me? You want him over me?"
"Shut up Chase," Christina yelled.
"Trev man I ain't done yet I will kill you," Chase said with his hands forming fists.
I rolled my eyes and tried so hard not to punch him, "Whatever man don't get mad because she's mine." I grabbed Christina and we walked to class together.

Christina POV
It's finally lunch time and I'm starved. I find Trevor at his locker and jump on his back. "Trevvy lets go I'm hungry."
"Girl if you don't get off my back."
I laugh and say, "Carry me to the cafeteria." He did as he was told and carried me all the way to the cafeteria. "Trevor Jackson put that girl down now," the principal yelled. Trevor put me down and we laughed on our way to the cafeteria.
We sat down at a table by ourselves. Trevor went in the lunch line and brought back lunch for the both of us.
He sat down and we started to eat our tacos. "Trevor what are we?"
"We're together," he said jokingly.
I rolled my eyes, "No Trevor like what are we. Are we dating, are we just friends. Because honestly I don't know."
"Trina does it matter what we are as long as we are together," he said sounding like a preacher.
My voice started to get louder, "Trevor are you my boyfriend or not."
He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. He put his lips on mine.
"Trina you're mine! To prove it to you lets go out tonight."
I chuckle, "Like a date?"
"Yes like a date."
I hugged him, "Yay, can we go now."
He put his hand over his heart and gasped, "I can't believe Trina actually wants to skip school. The girl that begged me to come to school today."
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever Trevor lets just go."
I grabbed his hand and we snuck out of the school.
We got in his car and this time he drove.
"So Trevor where do you want to go?"
He smirked and said, "We can go to the movies, but we won't be watching the movie."
I had a disgusted look on my face, "Trevor you so nasty."
We laughed as Trevor drove. He seemed to know where we were going but he didn't tell me. "Trevor where are we going?"
"Trina close your eyes."
"No Trevor tell me where we are going," I said stubbornly.
He sighed, "Trina just close your eyes."
I closed my eyes and sat in silence for the rest of the car ride.

"Open your eyes baby."
I open my eyes and we were at the beach. There was a picnic blanket laid out on the sand. "Trevor this is beautiful."
He whispered under his breath, "Not as beautiful as you."
"What did you say Trevor?"
He shook his head, "Nothing. Let's just go."
He got out the car and opened the door for me. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the picnic blanket. Which had a picnic basket and a duffle bag on it. "Trevor how did you set this up?"
"I got connections baby don't worry about it," he said as he winked.
We sat down on the blanket and watched the ocean. Trevor was staring at me and it looked like he had a lot on his mind. When he spoke I thought he was going to say something loving and romantic but instead he said, "Wanna make out?"
I rolled my eyes and playfully slapped his arm, "Trevor that's not romantic. Sing a song or read a poem or something."
He laughed and said, "I got a poem for you. 'Roses are red, violets are blue. Damn this and let me kiss you."
I started laughing uncontrollably. Then I snorted and it was really loud. "Omg I just snorted that's so embarrassing."
"I think it's cute," he said smiling.
I started to blush so I turned around.
I pulled out my phone and started texting. Trevor rolled his eyes at me. "What are you doing? We're on a date and you're on your phone."
I laughed and continued to text him. He looked at me and smiled and texted back.
Trina💕😍- You are my world
Trev❤️😍- You are my universe
Trina💕😍- You are my king
Trev❤️😍- You are my queen
Trina💕😍- 🙈🙈🙈💑😘😊
Trev❤️😍- what?😏
Trina💕😍- I just love you so much
Trev❤️😍- Trina ur so perfect
Trina💕😍- Nawwhhhh ur the perfect one
Trev❤️😍- I'm far from perfect baby
Trina💕😍- ur the perfect one for me and that's all that matters
(Text conversation stolen from @trevxdiggy on Instagram)
I looked up at Trevor and smiled.
Trevor started to take his shirt off.
"Trevor what are you doing?"
He laughed and said, "I'm about to get in the water. Wanna join me?"
"Trevor I didn't bring a swimsuit," I said pointing out the obvious.
"Babe your still getting in the water," he said seriously.
I playfully punched him in the arm, "Trevor I know what your thinking but I'm not getting in the water without a swimsuit."
He laughed, "Actually you don't know what I'm thinking because you are getting in the water and your going to be wearing a swimsuit."
"Trevor I don't have one."
He unzips his bag and pulls out a Victoria secret bikini.
"OMG this is so cute. Why did you get this for me?" I asked overly excited.
He laughed and said, "What are you talking about this is for me."
"Shut up Trevor. How did you even afford this?"
He grabbed my hand, "Trina stop questioning everything and get in the water with me."

(Authors Note: So finally Trevor and Christina are together. Are you guys happy? Trevor finally broke up with Ashley? What should happen next? Will Christina get her friends back? Will she try to let go again? What is Chase gonna do? Will Chase try to kill Trevor again. You don't have to but it would be cool if you follow my fan page on Instagram @Trevor_jackson6 and follow my main page @tinajackson5 follow my inspiration lovemecutie143 and follow @irep4tj on Instagram.)
Inspired by lovemecutie143

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