29: I'm Bae

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Christina POV
I haven't talked to Trevor since the day in the bathroom. That was almost a month ago. Lately I've been hanging out with Taryn a lot more and I made a new friend named Camilla.

Trevor and Chase were suspended for a week and were forced to talk to the school counselor every Wednesday after school. The only reason I know this is because I was in the office with them when the principal gave them their punishment. The principal told me to tell him everything. I told him everything from Chase shooting Trevor to me dating both of them to Chase locking me in the closet and the fight in the hallway. Chase wasn't arrested and he still is in possession of the gun. But the principal told Chase to stay out of me and Trevor's lives but I doubt he'll do that. I haven't even exchanged a word to Trevor since the principals office but I guess it's for the best.

Camilla has become a really close friend of mine. The day after the big fight she just came up to me and said, "Hi I'm Camilla, you must be Christina. Let's be friends." At first I thought she was crazy but ever since then we've been really close. She always asks me weird questions like, "Who's your favorite celebrity?" and "How old do you want to be when you get married?"
I wonder if she knows about me and Trevor. I thought everyone knew but she probably doesn't even know who Trevor is.

Camilla POV
Camilla💞✌🏾️- Trevor the plan is working perfectly
Trev😏❤️- good! Does she talk about me?
Camilla💞✌🏾️- As far as I know she is so over u
Trev😏❤️- hopefully this works and she'll love me again
Trev😏❤️- Has she moved on?
Camilla💞✌🏾️- Nope she doesn't even talk about boys
Trev😏❤️- Has she said my name at all
Camilla💞✌🏾️- Nope
Trev😏❤️- does she know that we dated
Camilla💞✌🏾️- she doesn't even know that I know who you are
Trev😏❤️- it should stay that way
Camilla💞✌🏾️- how's ur part of the plan coming along
Trev😏❤️- I need help
Camilla💞✌🏾️- I am helping
Trev😏❤️- can u get Taryn to help too?
Camilla💞✌🏾️- why do we need Taryn???
Trev😏❤️- cuz she's Trina's best friend and she can help us surprise her
Camilla💞✌🏾️- okay...... Y can't u ask her
Trev😏❤️- She's my ex girlfriend
Camilla💞✌🏾️- I'm ur ex girlfriend
Trev😏❤️- no ur not
Trev😏❤️- ur my best friend and Taryn hates me
Camilla💞✌🏾️-Trevor u haven't even been to this school for a year and u already had more girlfriends than I had boyfriends in my whole life
Trev😏❤️- wait was I ur first
Camilla💞✌🏾️- my first what?
Trev😏❤️- ur first boyfriend?
Camilla💞✌🏾️- Shut up Trevor
Trev😏❤️- So I was ur first
Camilla💞✌🏾️- I hate u Trevor
Trev😏❤️- I love u 2 Camilla
Camilla💞✌🏾️- okay whatever Trev I love u but if anyone asks u weren't my first u were like my 37th
Trev😏❤️- Y?? Ur brother said u get a lot of guys
Camilla💞✌🏾️- a lot of guys ask me out but I've only ever said yes to u
Trev😏❤️- cuz I'm special
Camilla💞✌🏾️- yeah and cuz ur hott
Camilla💞✌🏾️- sorry that's probably weird to hear from ur best friend
Trev😏❤️- it's okay Camilla, I think ur hott too
Camilla💞✌🏾️- Trevor ur so sweet Christina is so lucky
Trev😏❤️- Awww thxs Cammy! R u ok?
Camilla💞✌🏾️- Y wouldn't I b ok
Trev😏❤️- cuz we broke up
Camilla💞✌🏾️- Trev im fine, we're better as friends anyway and u and Christina belong together
Trev😏❤️- So ur #TeamTrina
Camilla💞✌🏾️- I am #TeamTrina all the way
Trev😏❤️- that's y I love u Cammy
Camilla💞✌🏾️- lol back to the plan
Trev😏❤️- right, so can u plz get Taryn in on it
Camilla💞✌🏾️- sure but how do we no she won't tell her
Trev😏❤️- just bribe her
Camilla💞✌🏾️- how bout u give her an autograph
Trev😏❤️- she wouldn't want that, give her money or something
Camilla💞✌🏾️- y can't u give her money mr. Celebrity
Trev😏❤️- whatever just ask for me
Trev😏❤️- I gtg I'll text u later bye bae 143💕
Camilla💞✌🏾️- bye bestie😂
Trev😏❤️- ewwww don't call me that. Call me homie
Camilla💞✌🏾️- ewww that's worse than bestie
Trev😏❤️- then just call me bae
Camilla💞✌🏾️- but I'm bae
Trev😏❤️- we can both b bae
Camilla💞✌🏾️- okay bye bae 143💕

After I finished texting Trevor I continued working on the plan and called Taryn.

***Phone Conversation***
Camilla- Hey T
Taryn- Hey C what's up
Camilla- You know how Trevor and Christina broke up
Taryn- Yeah, everyone knows
Camilla- we are going to get them back together
Taryn- How?
Camilla- Trevor and I have a plan
Taryn- You talk to Trevor?
Camilla- Yeah he's my best friend
Taryn- Really?
Camilla- Yeah and my ex boyfriend
Taryn- Oh
Camilla- Can you please help
Taryn- why should I help Trevor?
Camilla- for the sake of your best friend's happiness
Taryn- okay what do I have to do

I explained the plan to Taryn and she agreed. I can't wait to tell Trevor.

Trevor POV
I sneaked up on my mom who was making dinner in the kitchen. "Hey Mom." She jumped and screamed. When she saw it was me she slapped my arm and said, "Trevor don't scare me like that." I laughed and asked, "Can I ask you a serious question?" She put the spoon that was in her hand on the counter and looked at me concerned, "What is it sweetie?" I tried to hide my smile as i said, "How would you feel about me performing again?"A huge smile grew across her face and she started jumping up and down. She hugged me and exclaimed, "I would love that Trevor, I knew you would come to your senses. I'm so happy." I smiled at her and asked, "Do I still have to go to school?" She smiled and said, "Its up to you baby. Do you want too?" I thought for a while and then replied, "Yes." She grabbed her keys, "Okay lets go." I laughed, "Mom where are we going?" She rolled her eyes sarcastically, "Duh, we're going to Delante's office to get you out of your contract." I laughed again and said, "Mom I already did that." She crossed her arms and glared into my eyes, "Trevor whats going on. Is there a reason you are so eager to perform again?"

(Authors note: Are you guys enjoying this story cuz it's not over yet😏. A lot more drama is coming. Thanks so much for reading. When your finished this story make sure you read lovemecutie143 my bully series it will change your life😂)
Inspired by lovemecutie143

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