16: Breakups & Makeups

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Christina POV
Christina😒- hey Taryn I know your mad but I really need someone to talk too
Taryn🌺- ur lucky ur my best friend so what's up
Christina😒- can u come over
Taryn🌺- sure I'll b over in 5 minutes
Taryn🌺- can Laura come too
Christina👌🏾- sure
Taryn🌺- good because she's already with me
Christina👌🏾- lol okay c u soon

After I texted Taryn I started to clean up the living room since she was coming soon. I ignored the fact that Taryn and Laura were hanging out without me and sat on the couch and waited for her to knock on the door. 35 minutes later she knocked on the door. I opened the door and let her and Laura inside. "Sorry we're late, we stopped at Starbucks," Taryn said sipping her latte.
"So what's up," Laura asked.
We all sat on the couch and I started to tell them everything, "When Trevor was in the hospital he said he loved me. We kissed. So I broke up with Chase. When Trevor got out the hospital he said he was going to break up with Ashley. But I saw him making out with Ashley at his locker. So I ran home and he followed me. And then he came in my room-"
Taryn interrupted me, "Wait Trevor was in your room? I've known you longer than him and I've never been in your room."
"I didn't want him in my room!"
She rolled her eyes and said, "So what's the big secret in your room." I swallowed hard and replied,
"My room is.....well was covered with Trevor Jackson posters and papers about how much I love him."

"That's what you were hiding! You knew I liked him too. Why would you keep that a secret. We are supposed to be best friends that tell each other everything. You didn't have to keep that a secret. That's just another thing we had in common. We could of fangirled over him together."

"I know I just didn't want to tell anyone," I said staring at the floor.
She got up and grabbed Laura's hand, "Not even your best friend. You know what I'm not going to sit here and feel sorry for you. We are supposed to be best friends and you don't tell me anything." They left without saying goodbye. I just lost my best friends.
First my dad and then Trevor and now Taryn and Laura.

Trevor POV
The next day when I woke up for school I had a bunch of texts from people asking where I went yesterday. I never ended up going back to school. Hopefully I don't get in trouble for cutting class.

When I walked in the school building I saw Chase at his locker.
"What up Chase I haven't seen you in a minute."
"Yoooooo Trevor! How you doing."
"Good. I am so sick of hospital food."
He laughed and said, "I heard there's pizza for lunch today."
"Yes! Man I haven't had pizza in forever."
We laughed and he walked me to my locker. "So Trev can I ask you something?"
"Are you the reason Tiny broke up with me?"
I scratched the back of my head, "I was, until I blew it."
"Sorry to hear that dude, so are you still dating Ashley?"
I winked and said, "Never stopped."
We laughed as we walked to class together.

Chase POV
While I was on my way to the cafeteria at lunch time I heard someone calling my name. "Chase wait up."
I turned around to see Tiny. She ran up to me and hugged me. "What was that for?"
"I just miss you so much Chase. I was so stupid to let you go!"
She started to cry in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Baby I missed you too. Does this mean you want me back."
"Yes yes yes.- I need you!"
She said between sobs. I kissed her cheek and we walked together to the cafeteria. "Where do you wanna sit?"
She fake smiles and says, "Not at my table because my friends don't like me anymore and not at your table because Trevor is stupid."
"Agreed. Let's sit at a table by ourselves."
She smiled and said, "You are all I need."
"So do you wanna hang out after school Tiny."
She laughed and said, "OMG yes. I need a life I haven't left my house in forever."
"Didn't you leave your house to visit Trevor?"
"Can we not talk about him?"
I nodded my head, "Whatever you want babe!"

Trevor POV
At lunch I sat with Ashley. Chase was sitting at a different lunch table with Trina. Ashley was talking to me but I wasn't listening. I was too busy staring at Christina. Occasionally Trina would glance over at me and roll her eyes. "Trevvy are listening to me?" Ashley asked.
"I'm sorry what did you say?"
She rolled her eyes, "Whatever Trevor. Just put your arm around me." I did what I was told and put my arm around her. I felt Christina's eyes on me. I looked over at her with my arm still around Ashley and she rolled her eyes and kissed Chase. So I'm guessing they are back together. "Trevvy what's wrong? You've been acting weird since you got out the hospital."
"Well Ashley I got shot what do you expect? It's never gonna be the same sorry to break it to you."
She crossed her arms and pouted her lips, "Trevvy why are yelling at me I didn't shoot you."
I rolled my eyes, "But I think you know who did."
"Trev what are you talking about?"
"Nothing I'm sorry babe I'm just not feeling good right now."
I hugged her and kissed her cheek. I don't know what it is about Ashley. I don't love her but it's impossible to break up with her. While she was eating her pizza I just stared at her trying to figure out what she has that attracts so many guys. She's not a good girlfriend and she's such a cheater but she's like impossible to break up with. I put my arm around her and started to twirl her blonde hair. Maybe it's just a sign that I shouldn't break up with her. She rested her head on my chest and we were silent for the rest of lunch.

(Authors Note: So Christina is back with Chase and Trevor is still with Ashley. Which is a better couple? Is Christina with the right person? Why  can't Trevor break up with Ashley? Who shot Trevor?)
Inspired by lovemecutie143

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