27: Taken

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Christina POV
Trevor is being so difficult. He never let me finish explaining the whole story. I can't believe he's so childish that he couldn't even sit next to me. It wasn't that serious that he needed to change seats. I miss him so much and he won't even talk to me. I bet he sees me differently. I see myself differently. I promise to never do anything like that until marriage. If could take it back I would but Trevor shouldn't be mad at me. I was just the victim. If he wants to be mad at anyone it should be Chase. I'm not even completely sure we did anything. Chase implied that we did something and the last thing I remember makes me think that we did. I feel so bad for Trevor. He probably is really hurt. Should I text him? Should I apologize?

I decided to text him.
Trina😒- Hey Trevvy do you want to hang out
Trina😒- Are you mad at me???
Trevor😔- yeah
Trina😒- I miss you
Trevor😔- okay
Trina😒- Trevor I'm sorry plz let me explain

He never answered me. He hates me. Why is he mad at me a good boyfriend would hurt Chase. But Trevor isn't my boyfriend and probably never will be. I go downstairs and open the freezer. I pull out a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a large spoon. I sat on the couch and turned on tv. I stuffed my face with icecream and tried to eat away my pain. Holding back my tears.

Ding dong

The doorbell rang causing me to fill with happiness. Trevor decided to come. As soon as I opened the door a sack was put over my head. I was thrown over someone's shoulder. "Trevor put me down!"
The person carrying me just laughed. It wasn't Trevor's cute laugh it was a devilish laugh. This isn't Trevor. I heard a car open and I was thrown into the back of it. The person tied my arms and legs with rope and closed the trunk. It felt like I was riding in the back of this car for hours but it felt like we were riding in circles. I have no idea where I am, who's car I'm in, or who is driving. I feel like crying but my eyes are so dry. Finally the car comes to a stop. Soon someone opens the trunk, grabs me, and carries me inside somewhere. Finally the bag is taken off of my head. My eyes start to water after I seen who had taken me but I wasn't surprised. It was Chase. He just won't give up. He already ruined my chances with Trevor. He slapped tight metal handcuffs on my wrists. It hurt so bad they were cutting off my circulation. "Chase why are you doing this to me?" Tears flowed from my eyes as I stared at my red wrists. "You really don't get it Christina, I love you but you love Trevor. You like to play with my emotions. So if I can't have you no one can." He pushed me into a closet and yelled, "I'll let you out when your mine."
Through tears I managed to say, "Chase I'm sorry but I will never be yours. And if you love me so much why can't you just show me instead of torturing me." He slammed the door in my face. I heard the door lock and I heard him walk away.
When I knew he wasn't near the door I tried to activate Hey Siri as quietly as I could. "Hey Siri."
Siri- Hey Mrs. Jackson how can I assist you
Me- Text Trevor
Siri- what would you like me to text Trevor
Me- Trevor please I need your help

Trevor never answered me so I told Siri to text Taryn.

Me- Siri text Taryn
Siri- what would you like me to text Taryn
Me- the psycho locked me in a closet

Out of nowhere the closet door open. "What are you doing?" Chase asked.
He cut me off and put his hand out, "Give me your phone."
I rolled my eyes, "I would but I can't because someone handcuffed me."
He squinted his eyes and walked over to me. He put his hand in my back pocket and grabbed my phone. He started to walk out of the closet but he stopped in his tracks and turned around. "You want me to stay in here with you," he said as he winked. I pretended to throw up, "I'd rather die in this closet than share it with you."
He pouted his lip, "Do you mean that."
"No I don't I'd rather you die not me."
He rolled his eyes. He slammed the door shut. I screamed through the closed door, "Don't I get food or a bathroom break."
He opened the door and threw a bucket at me. I rolled my eyes, "What about food." He threw a moldy piece of bread at me. "Really Chase?"
He laughed and said, "You can get out now if you kiss me."
I shook my head no and Chase slammed the door closed.

Taryn POV
After Christina texted me I hurried to Trevor's house. I knocked on his front door as hard as I could. He opened the door of course he was shirtless. "Trevor please put a shirt on." He rolled his eyes, "What do you want?" I sighed and said, "Trevor I need your help. Christina is at Chase's house-." He cut me off, "I hope they are happy together." He starts to close the door in my face,"Wait Trevor she's locked in a closet." He rolled his eyes again, "Why can't you get her?"
"Because he's psycho and he has a gun." He closed the door in my face.

I honestly can't believe Trevor. He's too busy trying to maintain his bad boy reputation to save my best friend. I really want to save her myself but it's not safe for me to go alone.

Christina POV
I don't know how many days it's been but Trevor still hasn't saved me. Chase only gave me that one piece of bread and I'm starving. "CHASE IM HUNGRY!" I screamed. He soon opened the closet door, "Why are you screaming?"
"Chase I'm hungry!"
He walked over to me. He picked me up from my hair and put his hand on my throat. "You should of thought about that before you decided to not love me."
He started to squeeze my throat tighter. I could taste blood in my throat. "Don't scream because someone will hear you."
He let go of my throat. "Well maybe I should yell so someone can hear me."
He slapped me hard across the face. It burned my cheek. "Don't get smart with me," he exclaimed.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
He started to walk out of the closet.
"Chase wait."
He turned around, "Yes babe."
"I thought you promised you would never hurt me."
Tears started to fill my eyes.
"When did I promise that?"
I looked into his eyes. The eyes of the same guy I was once in love with. The eyes of the guy that tried to kill my boyfriend. The eyes of the guy that locked me in his closet. "The day I found out you shot Trevor you promised you would never hurt me."
"Tiny you hurt me worse than I could ever hurt you."
I started to cry, "Chase I didn't mean too. I did love you but I can't be with you. Chase you need help."
He rolled his eyes, "I don't need help."
"Chase, yes you do."
He slapped me again causing me to scream.
"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered.
He unlocked my handcuffs and took them off my wrists. "Thank you."
"But sorry I can't let you out the closet."
"Why not?"
He laughed sarcastically and said, "Did you really think I was going to let you off the hook that easy. Your not getting out until your mine."
He walked out of the closet and slammed the door.

I think it's been almost a week. Everyday Chase comes in the closet to check on me and slap me in the face.
"CHASE!" I yelled as loud as I could. No answer. He must not be here. That means I'm leaving. I tried to open the door but it won't budge. I look for something sharp like a pen to unlock the door. I can't find anything and I start to get frustrated. I punch the door. My fist turns red. I kick the door and I make a small hole. I kept kicking until the hole got bigger. I squeezed myself through the hole. Pieces of wood scratched me leaving marks. As soon as I got out of that closet I ran as fast as I could to my house. I tried to open the door but I didn't have a key. Of course my mother wasn't there.

(Authors note: Thanks for reading. I love you💕)
Inspired by lovemecutie143

Different Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora