Chapter 1

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Chris's POV

I had signed all of Logan's papers, now I was walking out of the hospital with a pink diaper bag, and a pink baby carrier, with my little girl wearing a white onsie and a pink hat. And here I am wearing black skinnies, a black long sleeve shirt, my black vest, my black vans, and me with my black hair.

I chuckled at what people are probably thinking right now. I got over to my car and opened the back, then set Logan on the seat, and buckled her up, and putting a little blanket over her, in case she gets cold.

I got in the front, and just let all of it out, I started sobbing in my hands thinking about the love of my life, gone. At least I got a picture of her holding Logan, before she died. "Please baby come back." I whispered up at the sky as more tears fell don, smearing my makeup. "I need you, I can't do this by myself." I said.

I calmed myself down and started the car and headed towards the house where I shared it with my band mates.


We had just gotten to the house, I opened the back door to see Logan wide awake looking around curiously, until her eyes landed on me, then she started giggling.

I smiled and took her out of her care seat and cradled her in my arms, while grabbing her diaper bag, then shut the door and headed towards the house.

I unlocked the house and took one step in, then I was being yelled at and everyone hovering over me and Logan.

"Wait! Is that her?" Balz asked me quieting down. I smiled and nodded my head looking down at Logan looking all around at us. "She's so small." Ricky whispered. I nodded my head and moved her hair off of her forehead.

"What's her name?" Balz asked me. "Logan Lee Cerruli." I said proudly. "Wait, where's Jennifer?" Brandon our new drummer asked concerned.

I sighed and looked down. "She didnt make it, all that I got was a picture of her holding Logan, then she just started slowly dying, her body couldn't take it." I said feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"Can I hold her?" Ricky asked me. I smiled and nodded, I handed her carefully over to him, telling him how to hold her and stuff. "Hi there cutie, I'm your uncle Ricky." He cooed to her.

I chuckled as every started crowding around him and Logan. I sighed and looked around, then walked upstairs into Logan's room, everything was already set up.

Her walls were a soft blue, the carpets were a tan that was kind of dirty, she had a crib on the farthest wall right under a window, her crib was a dark brown with light pink lanterns going around it completely. Pink, purple, and black sheets and blankets all in her crib. She had changing table the same color brown with diapers underneath, her closet was full of cute little dresses, tops, tanks, pants, and on a shelf nailed to the wall, was filled with small little shoes.

I walked back downstairs to see Logan crying in Balz' arms. "She's probably hungry." I said reaching out for her and taking her in my arms, she continued to cry loudly.

I walked over to her pink diaper bag and pulled out a bottle, Jennifer had made before we had left, so it was perfect. I took the cap off and put the bottle at her lips, until she opened her mouth and started sucking on it, while making cute little noises in the process.

"There we go." I whispered as I started bouncing her slightly, the guys just stared at me surprised, shocked, and amazed. "Your gonna be a great dad." Ricky said. I looked up and shrugged my shoulders. "I guess." I said looking back down at Logan.


We were all sitting in the living room watching TV, I had Logan in my arms fast alseep, I just stared down at her in awe.

I can't believe this little beauty, was all mine.

"What's it like?" Ryan asked me. "Being a dad." He said again. "It's the best feeling in the world, that you made this, a fragile human being." I said looking at him. He smiled and looked done at Logan.

She was sucking on my pinkie like a pacifier as she slept. "She's so cute." He whispered. I nodded my head and yawned.

"I guess I better get her to bed, and besides I'm tired as well." I said standing carefully, so I didn't wake Logan up. "Ok, night man, night Logan." Ryan said standing up with me and softly tickling her nose, making her scrunch it up.

I chuckled and walked upstairs into her room.

I laid her down on the changing table and picked out little black feety pajamas that said 'my daddy rocks' on the front.

I changed her diaper, then slipped her pjs on, then laid her down in her crib. I pulled a pink blanket slightly over her and leaned over and kissed her forehead as I replaced my pinkie for a green pacifier.

"Goodnight my angel." I whispered and fixed the baby moniter, then walked out no into my room.


It was about three am, when I woke up from hearing loan screaming and crying. I shot up from my bed and ran into her room to see her laying on her back spcrying and screaming.

I quickly walked over to her and picked her up, then started bouncing her up and done slightly, trying to calm her down. Nothing was working.

"Shh shh it's ok baby, daddy's here." I said to her softly. She stopped crying and just looked at me with her bottom lip sticking out slightly. "Aw baby, come on you can sleep with daddy." I said walking out of her room and over to mine.

I laid down on my bed and fixed Logan up so I wouldn't suffocate her or anything in the middle of the night. I kissed her nose and feel asleep to Logan's soft breathing.

Baby Motionless (Chris Cerruli is my daddy)Where stories live. Discover now