Chapter 8

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Chris's POV

Logan and I had just gotten back to the house from Starbucks, when I got a call from our manager.


"Hey Chris, you guys have a tour coming up soon, so start packing."

"Um, when does it start?"

"In 3 days."

"Ok, I'll tell the guys."

Then I hung up, "tell the guys what?" Ricky asked me. "That we have a tour that starts in 3 days." I told him while taking Logan out of her carrier and into my arms.

"So do you know why she was crying earlier?" Ricky asked me. "Yeah, she probably wants her mommy, I mean Jen only got to hold her once." I said frowning a bit. "Damn, maybe she could hang around Ally more?" Ricky suggested.

"I don't know, remember that one concert we had, she started crying and reaching for me, while she was in Ally's arms." I said to him. I heard him sigh then shuffle his feet. "Well I guess I'll go tell the guys, and start packing." He said walking into the living room.

"Let's go get you packed cutie." I said to Logan while walking upstairs and int her room.

*Time jump 3 days..the day of tour*

"Chris you ready?!" Ryan yelled up to me. "Yeah!" I called down, while grabbing my three suitcases and running downstairs and putting them on the bus.

Just then I heard Logan crying, I turned around to see her reaching out for me while crying in Ally's arms. I walked over to her and picked her up, then started bouncing her slightly to calm her down.

"Des she hate me?" Ally asked sounding hurt. "No, I'm sure it's just she misses Chris, besides she does fine with you, it's just after a while she needs her daddy." Ryan said wrapping an arm around Ally's waist and kissing her cheek.

"Ok." She said giving a small smile and grabbing Ryan's hand and walking onto the bus. "Logan Lee, you are causing problems." I said to Logan while kissing her head.

She looked up at me and puckered her bottom lip, the thing she does when she's about to cry. "No no no-" I started to say, but Logan started screaming and crying loudly, making everyone, including Ally to come off the bus to see what was wrong.

"No no no, baby, shh shh, it's ok, daddy didnt mean it, I didn't mean it sweetie." I said kissing her head trying to calm her down, but nothing was working.

"Please stop baby, please." I said bouncing her up and down.

She eventually stopped screaming and crying and just looked up at me with her bottom lip still puckered with tears slowly coming down her cheeks.

"Aw, baby, don't cry." I said wiping her tears and kissing her head.

She just snuggled into my shirt grabbing a fistful and closing her eyes. "Man your kid is weird." Balz said while chuckling and getting back on the bus.

"You have no idea." I said walking on the bus, with my alomst sleeping baby.

*Time jump, 3 hours*

Logan was sound asleep in my arms, while sucking on my pinkie.

All of us were practicing some songs while we headed to the first venue, which was in Phoenix Arizona.

"Here do you want me to take Logan, so you guys can practice a little bit easier?" Ally asked me. I sighed quietly and looked down at my sleeping angel, nodding hesitantly.

I replaced my pinkie with a black pacifier, and handed her over to Ally carefully.

I watched them walk into the bunk alley until they were completely gone.

I sighed and looked down at my notebook that had all the lyrics to our songs, the one we were practicing now was Cobwebs, "You didn't want her to take her did you?" Ricky asked with a smirk.

I sighed, but shook my head, "Believe it or not, I was actually comfy with her sucking on my pinkie, I like it when she does that." I said with a small smile.

"Woah now, is THE Chris Motionless becoming a softie?" Balz asked lightly punching my shoulder. "Of course he is, it's his fucking daughter douche." Ryan said slapping the back of Balz' head.

I laughed at them, and looked back down at my notebook, "K, back from the top." I said sitting up straight.

*First venue*

I was getting ready for the first show, by putting on my makeup, when Ricky came into the bathroom holding my little angel. I turned around from the mirror and smiled down at her. "Hi baby." I said taking her out of Ricky's arms.

She reached up and touched my bottom lip, then giggled. I smiled at her, then leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I love you, my little angel." I said to her.

She smiled up at me and poked my nose.

"Chris! Come on man!" Our manager yelled at me. I sighed and put Logan on my hip, the walked out and off the bus to join my band, who were standing by the stage waiting for me.

"Ok, be extra good for Auntie Ally ok? Daddy will be back before you know it." I said to Logan. She just smiled up at me, I chuckled and kissed her cheek, then carefully handed her over to Ally.

Then we all ran onto the stage, "what's up motherfuckers?!"

*After show*

"Thank you Phoenix! You fucking rocked!" I yelled into the mic, then ran off stage, and grabbed a bottle of cold water, I gulped it down before looking around for Logan and Ally.

I spotted Ally sitting on a couch backstage, with Logan fast asleep in her arms.

I walked over to them, wiping off any sweat off of me, before carefully grabbing my baby and holding her close to me.

I poked her nose softly and smiled down at her.

My little Angel..






Baby Motionless (Chris Cerruli is my daddy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن