Chapter 6

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Chris's POV

We were at show for MIW, I was holding Logan before we had to go on stage, bouncing her up and down slightly.

"Motionless in 5!" Our manager told us. All the guys started stretching and getting prepared for the show. I looked down at Logan and leaned down to kiss her nose. "Be good for Auntie Ally ok cutie." I said to her. She reached out and touched my bottom lip and giggled.

"Come on Chris." Ryan said heading out on stage. I kissed Logan one more time, then handed her ove rot Ally and ran on stage.

"Are we ready to rock?!?" I screamed into my mic.


"Damn that show was fucking awesome!" Ricky yelled chugging down a bottle of water. "Chris!" I heard Ally yell over to me. I looked over at her to see her holding Logan who was reaching out for me and crying.

I jogged over to them and took Logan out of her arms. "Hey hey shh shh, it's ok baby, daddy's here." I whispered to her as I bounced her up and down.

"She started crying when you guys were at your last song." Ally told me. "She's probably hungry, or her diapers probably dirty." I told her. She nodded her head then walked over to the merch table.

"Chris come on we have signings to do!" Brandon told me. I nodded and walked over with them to the signing table.


"Hi." A girl who looked about 14, she had our shirt on, with blue jean shorts, with black converse. "Hey." I said to her.

I was sitting on one of the chairs behind the signing table, with Logan on my lap playing with a sharpie.

"Aw is this your daughter?" She asked me. "Yeah, this Logan." I told her. "Aw she's so cute!" She squealed. "Thanks, is there something I can sign? Or do you want a pic?" I asked her.

"Um here, can you sign my phone?" She asked holding out her white iphone5. I nodded and opened a sharpie and signed my name on the back of it.

"Here you go." I said closing the sharpie and handing her phone back to her. "Thank you soo much! I loved the show by the way." She told me. "Thanks." I said to her. "Lila!" I heard a woman call. The girl turned around and sighed. "That's my mom, see ya!" She said and walked off to her mom.

Just then I saw Logan yawn, " aw, are you tired baby?" I asked her. She buried herself in my chest and yawned again. I chuckled and picked her up and put her in her carrier, then put her pacifier in her mouth.

I moved her carrier so it was right next to me as I signed other things, then I started rocking it back and forth slightly with my foot as another fan came up asking to sign her notebook.


Logan was fast asleep sucking on her pacifier, as I signed the last fans poster. "Ok man, lets get out of here." Ricky said patting my back. Then he looked down at Logan and knelt down beside her.

"She's so cute when she's asleep." He said softly. I chuckled while nodding. "Yeah, well lets get home, she needs to be in a bed, not in her carrier." I said standing up and picked Logan up.


We had just gotten home, I grabbed a beer from the fridge and walked upstairs and into Logan's room to change her.

I pulled out pink and white striped feety pajamas and took all her other clothes off, changed her diaper, then put her PJs on.

I picked her up and brought her into my room, then got changed into a old band tee and my boxers, then climbed in bed with Logan, and snuggled her close to me.

"My only sunshine

You make me happy

When the skies are grey

You'll never know dear

How much I love you

Please don't take

My sunshine away."

I sung to her sleeping self. I kissed her head then fell asleep to Logan snuggling up closer to me.






Baby Motionless (Chris Cerruli is my daddy)Where stories live. Discover now