Chapter 14

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Chris's POV


It was about 1 am, when there was a bunch of yelling at the front door, I got out of my bed and walked downstairs and opened the door to reveal a riot of people with signs that said 'music from hell'

'Go back to hell'

'Kill the spawn!'

That one got me.

I stepped outside and tried shutting everyone up, so they wouldn't wake Logan up.

"Daddy?" I heard someone say. I turned around to see Logan standing in the middle of the road, in her pajamas, but she was about 5 there. "Baby, go back inside now, hurry." I told her, then turned around.

Until I heard a gun shot, I turned around to see Logan standing there frozen, with a hole in her chest, she dropped to her knees and held onto her chest.

I shoved past everyone and ran over to her, right as she was about to fall on the ground.

"No no no, come on baby." I said putting her in my lap. I looked back up to see a fat guy in a blue and white striped shirt, and dress pants, with a gun pointed right where Logan was.

"You killed her! You fucking ass!" I screamed at him, with tears coming out of my eyes, I looked back down at my baby, to see her eyes open, but she was gone.

I sobbed out and closed her eyes, so it looked like she was sleeping.

~Dream over~

I shot up from where I was, on the couch on the bus, with Logan sound asleep in my arms.

I smiled down at her and kissed her head, "I love you baby." I whispered to her. Then drifted back to sleep.

***hey guys...sorry it's taken me awhile to update this story, but what'd you guys think of Chris's dream? Could it come true? Will it come true? Who knows? Oh***






Baby Motionless (Chris Cerruli is my daddy)Where stories live. Discover now