Chapter 5

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Chris's POV


The room was pitch black, I couldn't see anything but a spotlight set on something.

I walked closer and saw it was Logan. "Logan sweetie?" I asked confused. She started crying and reaching for me, I quickly walked over to her, well I tried, but I couldn't move at all.

Then I heard a gun shot. I looked down and saw Logan sitting there with a hole in the side of her head.

"No!" I screamed and ran towards her, I picked her up and held her close to me, rocking back and forth.

"No no, your not gone, your okay baby." I whispered to her.

Then I heard a laugh, I over and saw it was a girl about the age of 16 maybe, she was wearing one of MIW shirts and black skinnies, with black Osiris'.

"Why did you do this?! She was just a baby! My baby!" I screamed at her.

~Dream over~

I gasped and shot straight up from where I was, I looked around and saw Logan laying next to me sound alseep, sucking on her pacifier.

I sighed in relief and leaned down and kissed her forehead.

I laid back down and fell asleep.


I was in Logan's room, I was facing her crib, then I heard Logan start crying. I walked over to her crib to not see her.

I turned around to see a man wearing a MIW shirt and khaki pants holding Logan by her neck. "No! Let her go!" I yelled at him. He smirked and literally dropped Logan, making her fall directly on the ground with a thud.

"Logan!" I yelled as I knelt down beside her. I checked everywhere for a pulse.


I started crying hard as I looked back up to the man, but he was gone.

I looked back down at my baby to see her slowly disappear from me, into nothing.

~Dream over~

I shot up holding my chest from breathing so heavy. I looked around and saw it was morning already. I looked down and saw Logan looking up at the ceiling, amazed.

I leaned down and kissed her nose softly. "Good morning beautiful." I whispered to her.

She giggled and reached up to touch all my piercings on my bottom lip. Then her eyes looked down at my arms, then she smiled.

She reached for my arms while whining. I chuckled and put my arm infront of her. She looked at all my tattoos in awe, as she was touching my tattoos there was a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I called. The door opened to show Ricky holding his hand behind his back.

"I got Logan something." He told me. I smiled and pointed to Ricky. Logan looked over and squealed happily. "Here you go cutie pie." Ricky said pulling out a black bunny with black buttons as eyes.

"Aw thanks man." I said taking the bunny from him and showing Logan it. She smiled and reached out for it.

I put it in her arms, the second she had it, she snuggled it close to her chest. I chuckled and kissed the side of her head.

"Well, I just wanted to give Logan that." Ricky said backing up. "Okay, well I think me and Logan are just going to stay up here today, y'know, daddy daughter day." I told him with a small chuckle.

"Don't sweat it man, you have a good time with your baby." He said opening the door and shutting it softly.

"Well it's just you and me now baby." I said to Logan. She squealed and showed me her bunny. I chuckled and kissed the top of her head.






Baby Motionless (Chris Cerruli is my daddy)Where stories live. Discover now