Chapter 4

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Chris's POV

Me, Logan and the guys were at Cheesecake Factory.

Balz was on my left, and Ricky was on my right and Ryan was next to him then Brandon was next to Balz and everyone else was everywhere else.

I had Logan in my lap while she had a bottle. "Hi guys, I'm Hayley, and I'll be your waiter today, what can I get you guys to drink?" She asked us. "Uh ill have a coke." Balz said. "I'll have a glass of you." Ricky said with a smirk. She blushed and looked away. "I'll have sprite." Ricky said still smirking.

"I'll have water." Brandon said, "and what for you?" She asked me. "I'll just have water too." I told her. "Aww how old is she?" She asked me looking down at Logan in my arms who was looking around curiously. "She's a week old." I told her.

"Yeah, I was wondering why she was so small. Are you the mother?" She asked Ally. "Uh, no, I'm just the auntie." Ally said awkwardly. "Oh, ok, well ill get your drinks put in, by the way, cute baby." She said then left.

I felt tears come to my eyes, I looked down at Logan, trying to stop my tears from coming. "Chris, it's ok man." Balz said putting a hand on my back. I nodded and leaned to kiss Logan's nose.

"She probably has a dirty diaper, ill be right back." I said sniffling and stood, grabbing Logan's diaper bag, then walking fast to the men's bathroom.

Once I was in there I opened the changing thing, then just burst out crying.

I need my Jenny. My fiancé. My future wife.

Our wedding was going to be a month after Logan was born. But I guess that's not happening.

I heard Logan start to cry, because I wasn't paying attention to her. "Don't worry baby, daddy's here, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I whispered to her while picking her up and bouncing her slightly.






Baby Motionless (Chris Cerruli is my daddy)Where stories live. Discover now