Captor 10

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Chris's POV

I was sitting on the couch in the living area on the bus, holding Logan in my arms as she sucked on my pinkie.

I thought now was a time to take a picture of her, I pulled my phone out and snapped a quick picture of my sleeping angel sucking on my pinkie.

My phone immediately started blowing up with likes and comments on how cute she was. I chuckled and looked back down at my baby, to see her slowly opening her eyes. "Well hi there baby girl." I said to her softly while stroking her cheek with my other hand.

She looked me in the eyes and giggled, while reaching for my face, probably my bottom lip. I smiled down at her and leaned down to kiss her nose. "I love you Logan Lee." I whispered to her.

"Good morning!" Ricky said happily while walking into the living area and pouring himself a cup of coffee. "What got you so happy?" I asked him while smirking. "Oh nothing, just that Kyla said she would like to go out with me after tour." He said taking a sip of his coffee.

"She's willing to last that long? Wow, creepy much?" Balz said walking into the living area and sitting next to me and kissing Logan's cheek.

"No, it's not creepy, I think it's hot!" Ricky said fist pumping in the air. I laughed and shook my head at him, I looked down at my baby to see her looking around curiously. Then she pointed to something while muttering words.

I looked at what she was pointing at, it was a picture of Jen, the day we had found out she was pregnant. I stood up and walked over to it, then grabbed it. "That's your mommy." I said to her. She smiled and reached out for it, I gave it to her, but held onto it slightly, making sure she wouldn't drop it.

"She already knows who her mommy is, that's sooo cute!" Ricky said doing some, girly, squealy, thing, I don't even know how to describe it, it was just plain ass fucking creepy coming out of Ricky!

I chuckled and looked down at Logan who was holding the picture close to her chest, I felt tears come to my eyes at the sight of that, it really was cute how she knew it was her mommy, I think she knew, I hope.

I took the picture away and set it back down on the counter. "Come on cutie, lets go get you dressed, so we can go get some food." I said walking into the bunk alley, grabbing hers and mine clothes, then walking into the bathroom.

I took off Logan's PJ onsie feety, and slipped on some small black leather pants, along with a black tank top and her black leather jacket that said Lil Cerulli on the back that I had made for her when Jen was 4 months pregnant. And then her little baby black leather boots.

I set Logan on the ground while I got changed into my black tee shirt that said 'Screw you' on the front in white letters, and my black ripped skinnies jeans, and my black leather jacket, along with my black leather boots.

So me and my baby matched perfectly.

I walked out of the bus with my baby in my arms, while grabbing her pacifier, and her carrier. "Ok, I'm gonna use the car, me and Logan should be back in like 15? 20? Minutes?" I said buckling Logan in her carrier.

"Kay! Be careful!" Balz yelled after me as I stepped off the bus with my baby, "yes mom!" I yelled back.

Then I put Logan in the car and got in myself, then drove off to the closest cafe.






Baby Motionless (Chris Cerruli is my daddy)Where stories live. Discover now