Chapter 13

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Chris's POV 3 years later...

We were on our to warped tour, it's been about three years, now my little angel is 3 years and 6 weeks old, Jesus, slow the fuck down time!

We had just gotten to warped, I picked Logan up and put her on my hip as we walked off the bus, and into a valley with other buses. "Dada wook!" Logan said pointing to a bus with asking Alexandria on the front, she absolutely loved Asking Alexandria, and Ben Bruce, damn him.

"I wanna see Ben bwuce!" She squealed. I smiled at her cute baby words, she's been getting better eith her words, but sometimes it kinda to understand her, then she'll get upset, then ill get upset, it's just a mess.

"Ricky! Me and Log are gonna go look around!" I called to Ricky. "K!" He called back.

"Do you want a snow cone baby?" I asked Logan. She smiled widely and nodded fast, while gripping tight on my neck. I ran over, making Logan jump up and down while giggling.

God, I love her giggle.

"One strawberry snow cone please." I said to the man behind the snow cone table, while I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket. He nodded and turned around making it.

While we were waiting, I heard a deep voice call to me. "Chris!" I turned around to see my good friend Andy Biersack, with his girlfriend Juliet holding his hand.

"Hey Andy!" I said back and moving Logan so she was on my other hip. "Well hello there miss Logan." Andy said reaching out for Logan. I carefully placed her in his arms, "hi mister Andy." Logan said shyly.

"Call me andy cutie, I feel old when you say that." Andy said with a chuckle. "So how have you been Chris?" Andy asked me as the guy handed me Logan's snow cone. "Pretty good, excited for warped, so is Logan." I said while smiling and handing Logan her snow cone.

"Logan is such a guy name for a girl." I heard Juliet mutter under her breath with looking at her nails. I narrowed my eyes at her and reached out Logan, who was eating her snow cone happily.

"Dada twy." Logan said while putting the snow come in my face. I licked a little bit and smiled at her. "It's very good baby, now eat it up, before uncle Ricky comes and try's to steal it." I said to her.

She gasped and started eating it. I chuckled and looked at Andy who was talking sternly to Juliet. "Hey Andy man, I gotta go, we've got a show to do, and I've got to change Logan, then show her more to people." I said walking off. "Ok! See ya later man!" He called to me. I raised my hand in response while walking back to our bus.

I got on the bus and changed Logan into her white short sleeve shirt with a sun on the front with a smiley face, and her jean shorts, along with her white converse. I also pinned her hair back in a pony tail, so her hair wouldn't be all over her face because of the heat.

Then I got dressed for the show in my, black ripped skinny jeans, and put my warpaint on my chest that was bare, and put my eyeliner on.

"Guys! You ready?!" I called to everybody as I was tying Logan's shoes for her. "Yeah! Lets go!" Everybody called back.

I finished tying Logan's shoes, then picked her up and put her on the ground, while holding her hand. "Dada." Logan whined while lifting her arms, signaling me to hold her. "Honey, I can't hold you, you'll get paint all over your white shirt baby." I told her. She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, and walked off the bus, holding Balz' hand.

I sighed and walked off behind them.

Once we finally got to our stage, everyone was stretching and getting prepared for the show, while I was kneeled in front of Logan. "Ok baby, be very good for Aunt Alley, ok?" I said pushing her dark brown bangs so that weren't in her eyes, I'd have to get them cut, they were getting too long.

Baby Motionless (Chris Cerruli is my daddy)Where stories live. Discover now